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International Day of Charity - 5 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Charity

International Day of Charity - 5 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Charity

Urna Biswas September 03, 2021

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
      ― Maya Angelou


How many times have you looked fondly at your child and thought - “My kid will change the world one day!” And then you start to wonder how you can help your child become someone who might actually do that. Well, one sure-fire way to change the world into a better place is by teaching our little ones about charity.

We all want our little darlings to become upstanding, kind humans. To do that, it’s vital to start teaching them about charity from a young age. That includes everything from teaching them kindness in sharing toys on the playground to helping them become generous adults who give to causes they care about.

At thedatingmaven, your favorite children’s clothing online store, we wholeheartedly espouse acts of charity in all shapes and forms. Here are our top 5 ways you can teach your kids about charity.

Check out the various ways in which philanthropy actually benefits children:




By the time they turn three, our kids begin to understand and respect the fact that other people have feelings, and they start to develop a sense of empathy. This capacity for empathy is the basis for charity.

As parents, we need to discuss the concept of empathy and charity with our little ones as early as possible. Explain to them why you're giving time or money to a particular cause.

You can try the following:

  • Talk about how others feel: (A friend who was upset at losing a toy)
  • Suggest how to help others: (Helping up a person who might have tripped and fallen)
  • Read stories about feelings: (My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss or The Little Book of Big Feelings by Marzi Wilson.)
  • Teach empathy and self-awareness by using "I" statements: (I don't like it when you hit me. It hurts and makes me feel sad.)

Check out these wonderful children’s books on the beauty of giving:




One of the best ways to teach your child about charity is by donating extra items around your home. It's easier for younger kids to understand more concrete and direct examples of charitable giving. They know that they love their favorite toys, so you can explain to them that not everyone is lucky enough to have toys to play with.

Help your child go through his belongings and select old toys and clothes that they no longer wish to keep. Gently used books, clothes and toys can be passed on to Goodwill, orphanages and local shelters.

Pack everything in a box and have your kid join you on a trip to your local charity or Goodwill. This will help your little one understand that there are many people less fortunate than us who will appreciate these gifts immensely. Making charitable donations a regular activity will reinforce philanthropic values in your kids’ lives.

This excellent article talks about how you can teach your child to love giving:




Sometimes, it’s the simplest actions that have the largest impacts. And what better place for your child to start simple acts of kindness than with the people around them?

Most of us have aging neighbors, relatives or family friends who could use a hand. Match the action with your kid’s age. A simple drawing from your little darling could brighten up an elderly person’s day, as can a painted “kindness rock” left on someone’s doorstep. It could be making a card for someone, helping a neighbor or taking part in a community clean up.

Do you have an elderly neighbor who lives alone? Bake some cookies or rustle up some frozen dinners with your child and take them over. Help a senior with something they might have trouble with on their own—simple tasks like gardening, cleaning the yard or washing the car are made easier and faster with help. 

Kindness is the core value of thedatingmaven, and one of the aspirations closest to our hearts is inspiring toddlers to be kind. We believe that acts of kindness, no matter the size, will teach your child about the spirit of giving and its positive impact on others.

Get in the philanthropic mood with these inspiring tales of kind deeds:




One of the most important financial lessons your kid can learn is that money can do good! A great way to teach your child about this is to create a donation box in your household.

If your little one gets an allowance, teach them to put a portion of it aside every month to give to causes important to your family. This will teach your child how to share with others, and at the same time, contribute to a good cause. Your kid will feel special being a part of something that makes a difference.

Help them think of what they want to do with their donated money. If your child is an animal lover, maybe they can buy food for the local animal shelter. Make sure it’s something they care about, and involve them in choosing and executing the project. You can spend time researching different charitable organizations together and donate to a different one each time the box fills up.

Know more about how donating money can teach your child valuable life lessons:




The best way to teach your child about giving is through your own actions. It's helpful for parents to create a family environment where giving is natural and encouraged.

Lead by example. Let your kid see you put money into charity boxes, get them to help you pick out canned foods for a food drive or take them along when you participate in charitable activities, like donating blood, or volunteering at their school.

Create philanthropic family traditions. You can donate to the same cause every year during the holidays or set up a charity box at home which the whole family can contribute to, then decide together how to donate the items. Show your kid that reaching out to the less fortunate is a core part of your belief system. Each time your little one sees you giving to others, it reinforces charitable behavior and gives you a chance to discuss why it's important to give and how rewarding charity can be.

Check out these cool and fun charitable activities that you can do together as a family:



Children are our future, and so it’s imperative that they learn about charity and philanthropy. Teaching your kid about the beautiful act of giving will show them how to live life with grace. Philanthropy helps children to develop deeper empathy for their fellow humans, and richer appreciation for the good fortune in their own lives.

Not only will charitable acts make your child feel like a hero, they will also learn to cherish the space they are in, the activities they do, and not to take daily items for granted. At thedatingmaven, your top choice for stylish toddler clothes, we believe that as parents, we need to provide charitable opportunities for our children, so they can grow up understanding this concept and giving back to society in their own way.

Sending love from Be Kind blogs. Happy reading.

Reading Time

6 mins

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