thedatingmaven - News 2023-04-22T13:00:01-04:00 thedatingmaven 2023-04-22T13:00:01-04:00 2023-04-22T13:00:01-04:00 Simple Ways Your Family Can Go Green for Earth Day Subrata Sharma  Looking for simple ways your family can go green on this Earth Day? Here are 7 effective ways to go green with your family.


Simple Ways Your Family Can Go Green for Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd that raises awareness about environmental issues and encourages people to take action toward sustainability. Going green is not only important for the health of our planet but also for our personal well-being. In this article, we will explore some simple ways your family can go green.

We are proud to mention that thedatingmaven is taking steps towards sustainability and environmental protection. We produce our clothing close to demand and buy fabrics only from local markets instead of creating new virgin fabric, reducing a lot of waste of resources. We always adapt our design to reduce the consumption of fabric, and we prioritize the use of recycled and eco-friendly materials. In addition, we have reduced waste by using recycled packaging. By adopting these practices, we expect to contribute to a greener future and promote eco-consciousness among our customers.

Simple Ways Your Family Can Go Green

Looking for simple ways your family can go green on this Earth Day? Here are 7 effective ways to go green with your family.

Use Reusable Bags, Water Bottles, and Containers

Using reusable bags, water bottles, and containers is one of the simple ways your family can go green and reduce waste. By choosing reusable options over disposable ones, you can significantly decrease the amount of plastic and paper waste in landfills or pollute the oceans. Additionally, reusable items are more cost-effective in the long run and reduce the need to purchase new disposable products continually.

Making these simple swaps is an easy and effective way to positively impact the environment and protect our planet for future generations.

Plant Trees and Create a Garden

Planting trees and creating a garden is an easy and effective way to go green. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife, making them crucial for a healthy environment. Additionally, creating a garden, no matter how small, can contribute to local biodiversity and provide a source of fresh produce. 

There are many DIY ways to create small gardens, such as using containers, raised beds, or vertical gardens. These small gardens can make a huge impact on the environment, and they also offer a fun and educational opportunity for families to learn about plants and sustainable living. For new eco-friendly garden ideas, visit here

By planting trees and creating a garden, you can help positively impact the environment and create a beautiful space for your family and community to enjoy.

Buy Local and Organic Food

Buying local and organic food is a great way to go green and support sustainable agriculture. Local food travels shorter distances, reducing its carbon footprint and supporting local farmers and businesses. Organic food is grown without harmful pesticides and chemicals, reducing pollution and protecting soil and water quality. If you have any doubts about organic food, this post would be helpful.

Choosing local and organic food also supports biodiversity growth, as small-scale farmers often grow various crops and preserve traditional seed varieties. By buying local and organic food, you can positively impact the environment and promote sustainable and healthy food systems.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Clothes

Reducing, reusing, and recycling clothes is important in creating a sustainable fashion industry. Reducing the number of clothes we buy by choosing quality over quantity and investing in versatile pieces can significantly decrease the environmental impact of fashion. 

We thedatingmaven prioritize sustainability and longevity by offering high-quality and eco-friendly children's clothes designed to last longer than usual. By reducing, reusing, and recycling clothes, we can minimize the fashion industry's environmental impact and make more conscious choices as consumers.

Choose Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Fabrics for Clothing

Choosing sustainable and eco-friendly fabrics for clothing is an important step in reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact. Sustainable fabrics, such as organic cotton, linen, and hemp, are grown using eco-friendly practices and have a lower impact on the environment. 

Choosing sustainable and eco-friendly fabrics for clothing is an important step in reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact. We, thedatingmaven, are a company that prioritizes sustainability by using eco-friendly materials in our clothes. We do not create virgin fabric for our products and use available fabrics in the local market for our clothing, reducing our footprint. For example, we use poly matte tricot, a sustainable and durable fabric made from recycled materials, for children's clothing. These fabrics also often have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacement. 

Turn off Lights and Electronics 

Turning off lights and electronics is a simple and effective way to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint. By simply flicking a switch or unplugging devices, you can reduce the electricity used and save money on your energy bills. 

Turning off lights and electronics also helps to conserve natural resources, as electricity is often generated from non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels. Check out this post about saving energy sources.

Save Water

Water is a finite resource, and with a growing population, conserving it as much as possible is important. Simple habits like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, fixing leaks promptly, and using low-flow showerheads and toilets can help reduce your water consumption. For more information about how to reduce water consumption click here.

Additionally, choosing drought-tolerant plants for your garden and using a rain barrel to collect rainwater for watering plants can also help conserve water. By saving water, we can reduce our ecological footprint and ensure this precious resource is available for future generations.

Final Words

Earth Day reminds us that there are many simple ways your family can go green and protect our planet. By making small changes to our daily habits and consumption patterns, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. 

It's also important to note that we thedatingmaven play a major role in promoting sustainable practices and going green. From using eco-friendly materials in our clothing to offering durable and long-lasting garments that reduce textile waste, we are committed to minimizing its environmental impact. As a company that prioritizes sustainability, we set an example of how businesses can make a difference in protecting the planet.

We can create a healthier, more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations by taking action on Earth Day and beyond. You can also teach your family to go green. So let's commit to making a positive impact, one small step at a time.

]]> 2023-04-08T12:00:00-04:00 2023-04-08T12:00:00-04:00 Eco-friendly craft ideas to teach kids about sustainability Subrata Sharma Looking for ways to keep your kids entertained while teaching them about sustainability? Check out these eco-friendly craft ideas and fun activities.


Eco-friendly craft ideas to teach kids about sustainability

Eco-friendly craft ideas are a great way to get kids engaged and excited about protecting the planet. From upcycling projects to gardening and composting, there are endless possibilities for eco-friendly fun. So why not spend the weekends with your kids creating something beautiful while also teaching them important lessons about sustainability?

Meanwhile, we thedatingmaven are a brand that understands the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness. We offer a diverse range of clothing options for kids, made with eco-friendly and sustainable materials. By utilizing these materials, we reduce the impact of our production on the environment, making us a more responsible and conscious choice for parents. In addition, we produce close to demand and have optimized our supply chain around our bestsellers.

Our bestsellers are not only the highest in quality, but they can also be sourced sustainably. This way, we can minimize waste and reduce our carbon footprint by producing only what is necessary.

Eco-Friendly Craft ideas & fun activities to do with your kids over the weekends

Looking for ways to keep your kids entertained while teaching them about sustainability? Check out these eco-friendly craft ideas and fun activities.

Recycled Bird Feeder

A recycled bird feeder is a simple and eco-friendly craft idea that you can make with your kids to teach them about sustainability. All you will need is a clean plastic bottle, a pair of scissors, a wooden spoon, and bird seed.

Start by cutting out small holes on opposite sides of the plastic bottle near the top. Next, carefully insert a wooden spoon through one of the holes and out the other side.

Finally, fill the bottle with birdseed. Hang the feeder outside. Be sure to clean the feeder regularly and refill it with fresh seed to keep the birds returning. For detailed steps, visit Welcome To Nana’s.

DIY Reusable Shopping Bags

DIY reusable shopping bags are a great way to reduce your environmental impact by reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. All you need are fabric scraps, old t-shirts, or other materials you have on hand.

Choose a fabric that is sturdy and durable. Cut two equal size rectangles for the front and back of the bag and two long strips of fabric for the handles. Sew the sides leaving the top open.

Next, fold the top of the bag down about an inch and sew it in place to create a hem. Then, attach the handles. For detailed steps, click here.

Making your own reusable shopping bags can help reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable living practices. 


Homemade Paper

Homemade paper is one of the fun eco-friendly craft ideas you can do with your kids to teach them about sustainability and recycling. You will need old paper scraps, a blender, a large basin or tray, and a frame with a screen.

Tear old paper scraps and soak them in warm water. Drain the water and blend the paper in a blender. Stir the pulp into a large basin or tray of water, shake a frame with a screen on top into the mixture to distribute the pulp evenly. Lift the frame out of the water, remove the screen, and let the wet paper dry on a towel.

By making homemade paper, you can reduce waste by repurposing old paper scraps and creating a unique, eco-friendly paper that you can use for various crafts. Your kids will also have fun creating their own paper.

DIY Rainwater Catcher

A DIY rainwater catcher is a great eco-friendly project you can do with your kids to teach them about sustainable living practices. 

Gather a plastic barrel, hose, screen, and spigot to make a rainwater catcher. Choose a location near a rainwater source, drill a hole for the spigot near the top, and attach the hose at the bottom. Cover the top with a screen and secure it with fasteners. Place the catcher under the downspout, wait for it to fill up, and use the water for non-potable purposes.

It's a fun and educational project that you can do with your kids to teach them about the importance of conserving water and using natural resources wisely.

Nature walks

Nature walks are a great way to teach children about sustainability and the environment. Going on a walk in nature can help children appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world, and it can also teach them about the importance of preserving it.

During nature walks, children can learn about the different types of plants, animals, and ecosystems that make up the natural world. They can observe the unique characteristics of each species and learn about their role in the ecosystem. Additionally, they can learn about the different factors that affect the health of ecosystems, such as pollution and climate change.

Upcycle Old Clothes: 

Patchwork Skirt

To create a patchwork skirt from old clothes:

  1. Gather a variety of colors and patterns and cut them into equal-sized squares or rectangles.
  2. Arrange the pieces in a patchwork pattern and sew them together, then cut out the pattern for the skirt and sew the sides together.
  3. Consider adding a waistband or elastic. 

And if you're interested in stylish skirts for small girls, check out our store thedatingmaven for a great collection.

Repurposed scarf belt

  1. Fold the scarf in half lengthwise and cut it in half to make two equal pieces.
  2. Fold each piece in half again to create long strips and cut them to the desired length, leaving extra at the ends to tie the belt.
  3. Use fabric glue to attach the two strips together at one end and braid the strips, keeping the tension even.

Scarves are useful in winter and can be repurposed into a belt to add some flair to any outfit. If you're looking for winter clothing for kids, try our store KinderKindKids.

By repurposing an old scarf into a new belt, you reduce waste and promote sustainable fashion practices. Plus, it's a fun and creative project that you can do with your kids, teaching them valuable lessons about sustainability and creativity.

DIY Natural Dyes

Using natural dyes is a fun and eco-friendly way to give old t-shirts or fabrics new life. Here are steps to make natural dyes:

  1. Gather materials: 

Fabric, natural dye materials, a large pot, water, and vinegar.

  1. Pre-treat the fabric: 

Wash with a mild detergent and soak in vinegar and water for an hour.

  1. Prepare the dye:

Simmer natural dye materials in water, following a recipe or experimenting with unique shades.

  1. Dye the fabric: 

Add fabric to the pot, and simmer for at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

  1. Rinse and dry the fabric: 

Remove the fabric from the pot, rinse under cool water, and hang to dry in a shaded area.

Are you looking for stylish and fashionable t-shirts for your kids? check out our store thedatingmaven. We have a great selection of clothing options for kids that are both comfortable and stylish. So, after you're done dyeing your old t-shirts with natural dyes, head over to our website and find some new additions to your kids' wardrobe.

Final Words

There are plenty of eco-friendly craft ideas and fun activities that you can try at home to upcycle and repurpose old clothes and fabrics. From making patchwork skirts to natural dyeing t-shirts, these activities are fun and creative and help reduce waste and protect the environment.

If you're looking for stylish and sustainable clothing options for kids, check out our store thedatingmaven's collection of fashionable t-shirts. With our commitment to ethical and eco-friendly practices, we are a great option for parents looking to make a positive impact with their purchasing choices. So get crafting and shopping today!

]]> 2023-03-16T09:00:02-04:00 2023-03-16T09:00:02-04:00 Refreshing Kids’ Wardrobe During Seasonal Changes Subrata Sharma Looking for a wardrobe refresh for transitional weather? You are at the right place. Now, make sure your kids are all set to dress for the new season.


Refreshing Kids’ Wardrobe During Seasonal Changes

Seasons are changing, and you are obviously worried about all the efforts you need to put into refreshing your kid's wardrobe. A new season brings the need to revamp your dressing, and it becomes crucial for kids, or else, they may fall sick. Yes, it can be quite a tiresome job, but the good news is- we have come up with the most useful tips you can use to make the wardrobe refresh for transitional weather smooth and easy. All you have to do is take a look at if you want your little one to look the most stylish. 

Here are a few tips for refreshing your children's closet during seasonal changes.

1. Evaluate their current clothing

Look through your children's wardrobe and sort through the items they no longer wear or fit into. This is very important and it will help you with much empty space. 

To evaluate the current clothing of kids, you can consider the following factors:

  • Fit: Make sure the clothing fits properly and is not too tight or too loose.
  • Material: Check the quality and durability of the materials used in the clothing.
  • Comfort: Consider how comfortable the clothing is for the child to wear, including factors such as breathability and softness.
  • Safety: Ensure that the clothing does not have any sharp edges or small parts that could be a choking hazard.
  • Style: Take into account the child's personal preferences and current fashion trends.
  • Age-appropriateness: Ensure the clothing is appropriate for the child's age and development.
  • Functionality: Consider how functional the clothing is for the child's daily activities, such as playtime and school.
  • Care instructions: Check the care instructions for the clothing, and make sure that they are appropriate for your child's age and level of independence.

It's important to keep in mind that what is important for one child may not be for another, and that the child's comfort and preferences should be the most important factor when evaluating clothing.

2. Make a list of essentials

Make a list of the essentials your child will need for the upcoming season, such as a warm coat for winter or lightweight shorts for summer. This list will make sure that you don't miss out on anything. 

Here is a list of essential clothing items for kids during seasonal changes:

  • Winter: Heavy coats, insulated pants, warm hats, gloves, and scarves. 
  • Fall: Light jackets, sweaters, long-sleeve shirts, and pants.
  • Spring: Raincoat, lightweight jacket, and pants.
  • Summer: Sun hats, lightweight shirts, shorts, and sunscreen.

3.Shop for basics

Purchase basic items such as t-shirts, pants, and jeans in solid colors that can be easily mixed and matched. Kinderkids has the most versatile basics that are also soft, check them out now!

4. Add a few statement pieces

When adding statement pieces to your kid's wardrobe, consider choosing items that are versatile and can be easily paired with other items. Look for bold colors, unique patterns, or interesting textures that will make the item stand out. 

Also, consider the child's personality and interests when selecting statement pieces, as they are more likely to enjoy and wear items that reflect their personal style. Some examples of statement pieces for kids could include a colorful coat, a patterned dress, or a statement accessory such as a backpack or headband. You can go for a knit blazer with a ribbed knit waistband for your little boy. Check out the product here.

5. Use layering

During transitional seasons like spring, layering clothing can be a great way to adjust to the changing temperatures. Jackets are an essential part of layering and can add the perfect accent piece to an outfit. So head over to our website to check out the best jackets for this transitional season! Get This tip proves to be quite useful in managing your kid's wardrobe

6. Invest in versatile pieces

Invest in versatile items that can be worn in different ways, such as a denim jacket that can be worn with both dresses and jeans. You can check out some amazing collections of denim jackets here. 

7. Don't forget accessories

Accessories like hats, scarfs, and bags can add a lot of personality to an outfit and can be a great way to refresh your child's wardrobe without spending a lot of money.

8.  Plan ahead

Plan ahead for seasonal changes by keeping an eye out for sales and deals on clothing that your child will need in the future. This can help you save money and ensure that you have the essentials on hand when the weather starts to change. And that’s why we always have a 25% off on the best sellers on our website! 


9. Shop for quality

When shopping for new clothes, focus on quality over quantity. Investing in higher quality items that are well-made and durable can save you money in the long run, as they will last longer and hold up better through multiple seasons. Have a look at this amazing 3 piece set here. The quality will ensure that your kid is comfy. 

10. Consider hand-me-downs

Consider accepting hand-me-downs from friends or family members. This is a great way to get gently-used clothing at a fraction of the cost, and it can be a great way to refresh your child's wardrobe without spending a lot of money.

11. Make use of hand-me-down clothing

If you are giving your child's clothing to someone else, make sure to wash, iron and mend them before giving them away. This will make the clothes look new and ready for the next child to use.

12. Be creative

Be creative with the clothing you already have. Mix and match different items to create new outfits, and have fun experimenting with different styles and trends. This can help you get more mileage out of your children's wardrobe and can also be a fun way to bond with your child. A print legging can make your cute angel look even more stunning. And, for that cosmic prints are just the way to go! They are not only edgy with a cool galactic print but also extremely comfy. Check out the legging here. What’s more- You can pair this up with a jacket to spice things up. 

13. Take note of the weather

Take note of the weather forecast and be sure to dress your child accordingly. Always have an extra set of clothes in case of any weather changes. This will help to ensure that your child is comfortable and safe, no matter what the weather is like.

Final Words

Overall, wardrobe refresh for transitional weather is a great way to ensure that they have the clothing they need to stay comfortable and stylish, no matter what the weather is like. With a little bit of planning and creativity with the help of, you can make the most of your child's wardrobe and keep them looking great all year round.


]]> 2023-03-03T06:20:37-05:00 2023-03-03T06:20:37-05:00 Parent and child date ideas to unplug together Subrata Sharma Looking for parent/child date ideas to unplug on National day of unplugging? You are at the right place, keep reading!


Parent and child date ideas to unplug together 

National Day of Unplugging is an annual event that encourages individuals to disconnect from technology and spend time connecting with nature, family, and friends. It is typically held on the first Friday in March and lasts for 24 hours. 

For kids, this can include playing outside, reading a book, or engaging in creative activities. For parents, it can mean spending quality time with their children, having a family dinner, engaging in a hobby, or shopping from

One of the main benefits of National Day of Unplugging is that it allows individuals to focus on the present moment, rather than being constantly connected to technology. This can help reduce stress and increase mindfulness, which can have a positive impact on mental and physical health. 

Additionally, it can help foster deeper connections with family and friends, as individuals are more likely to engage in conversation and spend time together when they are not distracted by technology.

Listed below are some parent/child date ideas to unplug:

1. Go for a hike in nature

Take a break from technology and enjoy the beauty of nature. Leave your phones at home, and instead, bring a camera or sketchpad to capture the sights and sounds of the great outdoors. Take a leisurely hike and stop to admire the scenery, listen to the birds, and breathe in the fresh air. 

You can also bring a book or a journal and take some time to relax and reflect. If you're feeling adventurous, you can even bring a map and compass and try your hand at navigating the trail. On top of that, if you want your little girl to look the most amazing, this faux fur bomber jacket will do the work

2. Have a picnic in the park

Pack a lunch and head to a local park for a picnic. Bring a blanket and enjoy your meal together while playing games such as frisbee or soccer. It's a great way to bond and enjoy each other's company without the distraction of screens. If the weather is nice, you can also bring a kite and fly it together on this unplugging day

3.  Visit a museum or art gallery

Take a trip to a local museum or art gallery and spend some quality time looking at the exhibits together. Discuss your favorite pieces, and learn something new about art or history. You can also take a guided tour or attend a workshop to deepen your understanding of the collection. 

Art is also a huge piece of inspiration for the brand and we take inspiration from street art to create our unique characters and splatter art prints. If you love art as much as we do, then you’ll love this jacket! 

4. Cook a meal together

To unplug every day, prepare a meal together without the distraction of screens. It's a great way to bond and learn new cooking skills. You can choose a recipe together, make a grocery list, and shop for the ingredients. Take your time to cook and enjoy the process, and then sit down and enjoy the meal together afterward.

5. Go stargazing

Head outside on a clear night and take in the beauty of the stars. Try to identify constellations and learn about different celestial bodies. You can also download a stargazing app on your phone or bring a telescope to get a closer look at the stars.

6. Volunteer together

Give back to your community by volunteering together at a local organization. It’s a great way to bond and make a positive impact on the world. You can research and find volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and values.

7. Take a yoga or meditation class

On this unplugging day, take a yoga or meditation class together. It's a great way to relax and unwind, and it promotes mindfulness and reduces stress. And you must explain meditation's importance to toddlers so they can do it right. It will help them concentrate more on their day-to-day learning and make them more open to suggestions. Check out our cute and comfortable leggings and joggers here to enable your kid to meditate in style! You can also create your own yoga or meditation session at home by following a video or audio guide.

8. Have a spa day at home

Create a spa-like atmosphere at home and give each other massages. It's a great way to bond and relax together. You can also light some candles, play soothing music, and enjoy a relaxing bath or shower. Do it often, and unplug it every day

9. Play board games or card games

Play board games or card games together. It's a great way to bond and have fun without screens. You can choose from classic games like chess or Monopoly, or try something new like Settlers of Catan or Escape Room in a Box. 

10. Go for a bike ride or a walk in the neighborhood

Take a bike ride or a walk together in your neighborhood. It’s a great way to bond, enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise. You can also make it a fun scavenger hunt by creating a list of things to find along the way, such as a specific flower, a specific type of bird, or a specific colored house. Don't forget to make sure that your kid is confident with what he is wearing.

Click here to buy our cutest and most unique dragon scales hoodie! It will not only keep your kid warm but will also enable him to wander off in comfort to a faraway galaxy!

Final Words

The most important aspect of  unplugging day is that it can help children learn the healthy habits of technology usage from a young age. Encouraging children to disconnect from screens and engage in other activities, like painting, being creative with dresses from is great. In this way, parents can teach them how to balance their time and use technology in a responsible and healthy way. This can have long-term benefits for children, as they will be more likely to develop healthy habits of technology use as they grow older.

Overall, National Day of Unplugging is a valuable event that can benefit individuals of all ages by encouraging them to disconnect from technology and focus on the present moment, fostering deeper connections with family and friends, and teaching children healthy habits of technology use.

]]> 2023-02-13T11:41:36-05:00 2023-02-13T11:41:37-05:00 Valentine's Day: How Fathers Can Help Their Partner Around The House Subrata Sharma Make your Valentine's day special with these at-home ideas! Budget-friendly and well-appreciated ideas by all partners at home!


Valentine's Day: How Fathers Can Help Their Partner Around The House 

It's Valentine's week and oh god can we see love is in the air! If you are a father and want to do something special for your family this Valentine, you are at the right place! Well, you can always just get something from to make your little ones feel special but impressing your better halves is the real challenge! Well, this year let's keep those big gestures aside and say hello to some beautiful little things that you can calmly enjoy with your partner! 

Helping your better half around the house can be a nice way to express your love and gratitude for them. Don't worry, we're not asking you to take up the entire household work. Here are some easy things that fathers can do around the house to help their partners and make them feel special! 

1. Take up one of their duties

If you have allotted duties to each other for the day, then try to finish your chunk earlier and take up some of their duties or help them with it. Sounds like an easy thing, but your partners will appreciate it! 

2. Don't wait for instructions 

Don't wait for your partners to ask you for stuff. If you think hard enough, you would easily know and find some things that are likely to be on the to-do list. For example, a pile of papers/books just lying on the table, used clothes dropped on the bed, etc. You would already know how your partner likes things to be done, so for this one day, try to do everything their way! Don't wait for them to tell you (or passive-aggressively hint to you a hundred times) to carry it out! 

3. Help with a newborn 

If you have recently had a newborn, helping with the newborn duties would be a HUGE help to new moms. Here's how fathers can support new moms.

To know how can husbands help with newborn, you only need to start with baby steps to take an effort! A simple act such as learning to change diapers and bathing the babies can mean a lot. Ensure that both of you get enough rest and if you want to make them feel special, then try to give them some more rest, because seriously, that's all they need right now! Being there for these little things is why fathers are important part of the baby's growth period for both the baby and mother. 

4. Give your partner me-time 

Another way how husbands can help with newborn is by giving their partners the space and time they need. Handling a newborn, especially the firstborn, is extremely strenuous for mothers. Whether it's breastfeeding, silencing a crying baby or just cleaning and changing them, all of these become major mom duties which eat away at their sanity at some point. This might lead to extreme moodiness, frustration, insomnia and loss of appetite. 

How can husbands help with newborn you ask? Handle the newborn for as long as you can and give your partners the much-needed me-time! Urge your partners to do something relaxing of their choice - take a long bath, read a book, go for a walk or just sleep - but ensure that they can do it uninterruptedly. This is the easiest way how fathers can support new moms

5. Help with a pregnancy 

Wondering how can dad help during pregnancy? What dads can do is simply be around and listen! Just let your partners be moody, vent out frustrations to you and just listen to what they have to say. That's the best answer to 'how can dad help during pregnancy'. 

If you have a wife who is pregnant, all you need to do to make her feel special is take care of her! Massages, getting/making her favourite snacks, watching her favourite series, and just pampering her with love and care. Make this day all about her and let her order you around for whatever she needs today. Treat her like a queen, quite literally! 

6. Make plans for a couple date night

Whether you want it to be a dine-at-home date with dinner cooked by you or a fancy outdoor date, you decide; but ensure that it's just the two of you! If you have a toddler or a newborn, assign them to a guardian or nanny for the day or a few hours and just take a time-out for your relationship. This is also how fathers can support new moms in a way. 

Spend this date without any household worries or problems. It's just a lovely time to bring back that spark and love between the two of you!

7. Get her little presents 

Little presents for your loved one can always be pure and tiny gestures of love. Get something small they like such as a flower or a book. You don't necessarily do it on the day you want her to feel special. You can keep getting such little presents every week or every month. Even something like their favourite chocolate or ice cream can make their day better! 

8. Write a 'Thank you' letter 

The best way to start your loved one's day on Valentine's is with a cute love letter or a love note! Write a letter for your partner, appreciating them and saying thank you for the littlest things that you generally tend to neglect. Put up this letter on the refrigerator or the bathroom mirror, wherever that would be the first place she sees in the morning. Voila! You have a day well begun!

Final Words 

Now that you know the little tips, you are all set to make an impression on your partner! You can make your loved one feel special by knowing to help make the day easier in small ways  and take the workload off your partner! Happy Valentine's Day! 


]]> 2023-02-09T08:30:09-05:00 2023-02-09T08:30:09-05:00 Teach Your Children About Internet Safety (February 9 - Safer Internet Day) Subrata Sharma Teach your children about internet safety. Protect your children from these risks! Bonus: tips for parents to ensure safe internet surfing for children.


Teach Your Children About Internet Safety (February 9 - Safer Internet Day)

On the account of this 'Safer internet Day' observed on February 9th, let's teach our little ones about kids' internet safety! 

The internet is something that has become a part of everyone's daily life. Just like you can easily click here and purchase some amazing winter collections for your little ones, everything including work, studies, socializing, and entertainment has gone online now. In a world weaved together with this digital world wide web, it is important to maintain certain values and boundaries to keep this online world in check. Here are some important things to teach your children about child internet safety!

1. Educate them about internet risks

Talking to your children about the risks of the internet is extremely important. They need to know that the internet is a place that has equal vices and virtues. Educating them about these vices is important. Here are a few risks that you should educate your children about - 

A. Content-Specific Risks 

Even after putting up a kid safe internet filter on the internet browsers and applications, you might still find age-inappropriate content on the internet. Children might be exposed to some content that they might find unfamiliar, uncomfortable, offensive, cruel, and disturbing. 

B. Contact-Related Risks

Let children know that not everyone they meet online is genuine. If children are exposed to social media platforms at an early age, they might begin connecting and chatting with strangers online who may or may not be the same age/identity they claim to be. Educating children about fake accounts, hacked accounts, and identity fraud is also important. 

C. Contractual Risks

Children might end up signing contracts online which they are unaware of, giving out access to personal information or sensitive data. Sometimes browsing on unsafe sites and networks without a kid safe internet filter or downloading unsafe content might have a risk of data and privacy breaches too. 

2. Explain online purchases to them 

Online purchases are another risk for children. They might click on ads while searching for something else. They might also accidentally make in-app/in-game purchases without realizing it. One of the child internet safety tips To ensure that your child does not end up in such situations, disable one-tap purchases from all apps. 

3. Online behavior norms

We are aware that the online world is full of offending comments, trolling, bullying, and harassment. Children could be on the receiving or giving ends of such online behaviors. It's important to teach an online code of conduct to our young generation. 

The internet is a platform where people of different mindsets come together. At a platform like this, it is extremely important to not be rigid in your views, to expect to receive different perspectives, and to be willing to accept/view them with an open mind.

4. Establish clear Do's and Don'ts

While teaching children about kids internet safety, drawing out a clear boundary on what they can and cannot do online is a great exercise. For example, you can allow them to install games only from a trusted source and search only with child safe internet safe engines, browse some social media or entertainment channels like YouTube (remember to set a safe age barrier), etc. 

For “Don’ts” you can mention online purchases, connecting with strangers online, meeting someone you've met online, etc. Discuss all the points in your Do's and Don't list and ensure that they understand the logic behind things you are prohibiting. 

5. Scam & Fraud Safety

Emails and WhatsApp are some things widely used for even academic purposes nowadays which is why the risks for scams and frauds have increased on these platforms. Scams and frauds targeting younger children have increased a lot, especially post the pandemic. Ensure that you teach your children not to give out information such as contact details, residential address, important OTPs, bank credentials, or other sensitive details to anybody online, whether they know the person or not.

6. Limit screen times

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to limit the screen time of younger children. A Mental Behavioural Health study of 2020 suggests that longer screen times in children can result in many problems such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. 

Moreover, case studies suggest that we can also observe anger issues and misconduct among children who are exposed to violent games or games that put children under pressure while playing. However, they can be a mode of recreation for some children so limiting the time for these games shall help curb the negative effects they have and ensure that it doesn't do more harm than good. 

Child Internet Safety Tips For Parents 

While teaching all of the above things to children can certainly help keep internet risks at bay, it is also important for parents to take care of a few things to ensure that the internet becomes a safer environment for their children. 

1. Safe Browsers 

Did you know that there are special children-safe and children-appropriate browsers? Just like Google Chrome, child safe internet search engines like kiddle and kidtopia can be set as the default setting for your little ones. You can also use safe media streaming sites such as YouTube Kids and CBeebies to ensure there is no age-inappropriate content on your Children's devices. 

2. Take Charge 

While you make them feel like they have their freedom, don't completely lose control over it! Enable parental controls and keep monitoring your Children's activities. You can also set usage times and manage age limits on browsers and different apps. 


Final Words 

So these were a few things to teach your children about kid internet safety. Ensure to have a healthy conversation and be a good role model for your children by following what you tell them. Child internet Safety is a major concern these days. However, with these little tips for parents, you can easily protect your children from online risks. Say hello to safe surfing! 



]]> 2023-01-22T12:18:17-05:00 2023-01-22T12:18:18-05:00 30 Days of Acts of Kindness Subrata Sharma Intentionally practice 30 days of random acts of kindness with your kids and see how a little kindness can transform your day, relationships, and life.  


30 Days of Acts of Kindness 

Kindness is such an important yet neglected attribute in society. So many problems can be solved and so much positive energy can be spread across by just people being kind to each other. It is an attribute that needs to be taught and developed in children at a young age. That's why  wants to inspire you and your family to dedicate 30 Days of Random Acts of Kindness! 

Regardless of how many times you talk about or explain to your children that Kindness is important, they will not implement it themselves unless kindness is put into practice. So let's see how and what random acts of kindness can be included in your daily routine for the kids! 

Prep Prep

For starters, introduce your child to the concept. Of course, they know what kindness is because they have seen it around and heard the word being tossed around the room but now it's time to explain and make them understand the true meaning of it. Explain the importance of kindness and how a mere kind gesture makes a difference. 

Take some time to read a few books, give examples, and tell stories related to kindness. Ignite that spark and likeness in them to feel the urge to take on the task. 

The Acts 

Now that your prep is done, here are a few tasks that can be done in 30 Days.  

1. Off to School

Since you and your child both won't have a lot of time on hand during weekdays, here are some easy weekday kindness acts for your kids that can be done during their regular weekday schedule!

Children spend most of their time at school. You need to keep something to remind them of you in school as well. Small things such as cooking their favorite meal for packed lunch and dropping them off at school are enough to exhibit some kindness. You can plan out an entire 30-day meal schedule of your little one's favorite dishes. With that, you can cook something for them every day! 

You can also write little notes to them showing affection or just reminding them how much they mean to you. Keep these notes in their books or bags before they leave so that they find them when in school! 


This age is also when children are being shaped for the kind of person they will be. Hence, they need to understand the values of keeping our egos aside and being kind to our loved ones. 

Randomly say sorry to them for something you have done in the past. Let them know that you feel bad about raising your voice or scolding them. Tell them that this is something they should not do and keep control of. This will show your affection to them but also bring your relationship closer. 

Similarly, saying other polite words such as thank you and please is something parents always forget when dealing with their children. Whenever they talk to others, they will use all these words meticulously but when it comes to their children, they can neglect using these words. Thank you, please, excuse me, may I, etc. are all polite and kind words that show your softness and gentleness towards handling your children. 

2. Back from School

Take time out to ask them about their day. Ask about what happened in school, with friends, anything special they did, etc. Listen to what they have to say and reply wherever you can. These small things also go a long way. This act will also develop some necessary communication skills along with spreading Kindness. 

You can get them a new toy, maybe something they have been asking for for a long time, or randomly invite some of their best friends over for a fun playtime.

In the free time that children get during weekdays, you can try to spend more time with them with the following tasks. 

  • Help children in whatever you can - maybe with their homework, other study-related queries, cleaning up their room, etc. 
  • Tell them how much you love them 
  • Make their bed together
  • Cook something together 
  • Read a book together

3. Weekends

The weekend is when the child and you both can participate in some activities together. You can talk to each other, get some creative ideas out, and put them to execution under your supervision. Some tasks you can do during weekends include donation drives and charity drives. Ask your little one to gather their old clothes or old toys that they don't use or require anymore and get them to donate them. 

Visiting some NGOs working for the betterment of society and spreading happiness around them can also be a great experience for the children. Visit an orphanage or an old age home with them just for them to speak and interact with new people. If they love animals, you can also take them to an animal shelter and make them understand about animal rescues, animal welfare, and being kind towards the voiceless too. 

They can also volunteer for such organizations. If they are willing to, you can ask them to do some household chores for pocket money. Ask them for something small like taking the trash out, cleaning their plate, etc., and give them a small token in cash after each accomplishment. Children love doing such small missions. You can also ask them to help out some relatives or neighbors in exchange for this and at the end of 30 Days, you can donate the pocket money to a good cause. 

You can also opt for some fun outings to places you like. Maybe a beach outing full of beach games or mountain trekking for the splendid views or an amusement park full of thrill. You can plan a weekend away to enjoy and surprise them with a plan. 


Final Words 

We shared some small random acts of kindness you can undertake to make your little ones feel loved and happy. After intentionally practicing kindness together for 30 days, you can not only see an improved relationship with your child but also an enriched and compassionate child! 


]]> 2023-01-11T01:00:07-05:00 2023-01-11T01:00:07-05:00 How to Effectively Talk and Get Your Kids to Listen to You Subrata Sharma Children not listening to you? Don't worry, you're not alone! Learn why this could happen and some techniques to get them to listen. 


How to Effectively Talk and Get Your Kids to Listen to You

More than often you can find your little ones busy in their worlds. If you want to connect with them while they are doing something they are so engaged in, it is a task as big as a mountain. Effectively talking to children and getting them to listen is a big challenge that parents face. This is why we are bringing a section of 'Speak Up!' in all our Be Kind blogs for this month. A parenting guide to talking to your children the right way. 

If you face this same problem, don't worry, you're not alone! To solve this, we have brought a list of ways to effectively talk and get your kids to listen to you but first let's understand the reason behind this. 

Why Do Kids 'Not listen'? 

First of all, don't generalize everything under the 'Kids don't listen' umbrella. It is a broad term and parents often use it for a variety of reasons starting from a child just not listening to an instruction they said to a child not behaving or back talking. Let's understand why this happens. 

In many ways, kids don't feel like they have their freedom. When they can't control a lot of things, they try to control the ones that they can. Thus, exhibiting some little expression of freedom and control that they have. So even if you are instructing something children may think 'I can choose not to listen to this' and all of this happens subconsciously. 

Although this is the primary reason why children don't listen to their parents, there might be some other underlying psychological or physical factors behind that too such as illness, hunger, stress, etc. 

Techniques to Talk Effectively 

1. Speak Only When You Have Their Attention 

Only speak with your child when you have their attention. Yes, you can't scream out instructions from across the room and expect them to follow. If they are busy doing something else, you need to go down to their level, look them in the eyes and then speak. Speaking their name helps in grabbing the attention sometimes too but don't just jerk them out of their world. Look at what they are doing, connect with it and then ask them calmly whether you can speak with them about something.


2. Don't repeat yourself

If you feel that your child is not listening to you even after doing all this, don't just repeat yourself. It leads to them believing that it's okay if they don't listen to you the first time and that you will keep repeating unless they reply and that's not the learning we want to give. If you think they genuinely did not hear you then go back to executing the first point. 

Remember that connecting with what they are doing, eye contact, and speaking their name are the three key things to get their attention. 


3. Condense Your Instructions

An important thing you need to remember while dealing with children is that they have a smaller attention span than adults. Most of the time parents try to dilute their instructions because they don't want to seem too bossy with the kids by saying just the demands but they eventually end up using too many words and lose the attention of the child. To accommodate their smaller attention span, it is recommended that you condense your instructions and speak only the keywords and what's the crux of the matter. 

4. Say Thank You

No, not after the work is done. Say thank you before! Make it a habit to say thanks in advance. This also strikes off the so-called fear of seeming too bossy. When you finish your instructions, just add a little 'thank you' at the end. This psychologically makes them think that they are appreciated for the task and their mind gets wired to be more willing to do the task. 

5. Use positive language

Now if your child is not behaving and purposely ignoring your instructions, talking to them about it can be tricky. In such cases use positive language, and do not resort to name-calling, shaming, or arrogant behavior with your child. That is only going to increase their ignorance. Don't use phrases like 'you were so bad', 'I felt very embarrassed when you did that', 'you are such a misbehaved child', etc. 

Instead, try to explain to them what was wrong with what they did and why it was inappropriate in a positive way. 

6. Convert instructions to learnings 

If possible, try to frame your instructions in a way that they don't seem like instructions at all. For example instead of saying 'don't eat ice cream' say 'eating too much ice cream is not good for your health'. This also develops conscious thinking among children and they tend to remember and follow it out of their learnings in the future too. Rather than thinking of something to follow because your parents have asked you to, they will follow it with their reasoning which is often better and more effective. 

7. Give choices

A lot of times if you are just ordering them around, children tend to exhibit more resistance. They will purposely ignore you and won't listen. Instead, keep your tone warm and welcoming and provide choices to them. For example, if you want them to stop playing and start studying, give them some reasonable choices, say things like 'I know you are enjoying your playtime but we have to complete the homework, right? Would you like to go do it now or do you want to play for 5-10 minutes more?' 


Final Words

Children ignoring parents can be a real trigger for anger but remember to stay calm throughout and not lose your temper. A little patience with an appropriate tone of voice combined with the right things to say is an ideal mix to get your little ones to listen to you. 

So these were a few recommended ways by for effective ways to talk to your children so that they will listen. Happy parenting! 


]]> 2022-12-18T08:00:00-05:00 2022-12-20T12:03:14-05:00 8 Simple Ways To Keep Kids Healthy This Winter Subrata Sharma Excited about winter but worried that the season could make your little ones fall sick? Here are a few tips to keep kids healthy this winter.


8 Simple Ways To Keep Kids Healthy This Winter

Winter is that time of the year to get cozy and cuddle up with your family, but it also has a bad rap for making kids fall sick. We know how hard it can be for you to see your munchkin battle the flu. To help your little one have a healthy and hearty winter, we have listed down some tips for you. Follow them to keep kids healthy this winter and have a great time together as a family! Since we are talking about winter and kids, we will like you to check out the holiday sale at Who knows you might find some cutesy winter outfits for your little one!

1. Put On Winter Clothes

During winter, there is a drop in the body temperature. That results in a reduced ability of our bodies to fight off infections. Therefore, it is important to prevent our bodies from losing heat. Besides, exposure to cold and windy weather without adequate clothing makes one susceptible to frostbite, frostnip etc. So, one very significant step in keeping kids healthy during winter is to keep them covered. 

Based on the temperature, make them wear appropriate winter clothes. To protect kids from skin irritation, it is advisable to make them wear woolen over cotton. In addition, it is important to note that adding excessive layers of clothing can raise the body temperature beyond normal and lead to fever and other physical discomforts. So cover them adequately, not excessively. Here are a few tips to dress your kids just right for winter.

2. Focus On Their Diet

Every winter, you can easily find a handful of children with runny noses and sore throats around you. If you don’t want your little one to fall sick, then you have to take extra care of what they have on their plates. Since kids are more prone to viral infections during winter, it is important to boost their immune systems. This will strengthen their natural defense system, help them fight off infections and thus prevent colds and coughs.


Therefore, make sure that they eat foods that are loaded with immune-boosting properties. Foods rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and probiotics must form a major portion of your kid’s diet. If you are wondering what exactly an ideal winter meal should look like for your kid, then  here is an insight.

3. Keep them Hydrated

We know how fussy children are about drinking water. Especially on cold winter days, drinking a glass of water is the last thing your kid wants to do. However, a discussion on winter care for kids remains incomplete without talking about the importance of hydration in winter. Before hopping on to explain why drinking sufficient water during winter is so important for children, we have something for you to refer to and trick your little one into staying hydrated this winter.


During winter, the air is dry. So a lot of water gets lost in the form of respiratory water loss while we breathe. Besides, sweat evaporates really fast due to the dry air. 


The combined effects of these can cause your child to suffer from winter dehydration. This can result in fatigue, exhaustion and muscle cramps. Moreover, it can make your child more susceptible to the flu. So, if you want to prevent colds and coughs for your kids, you know what to do- have them sip water frequently!

4. Ensure That They Get Enough Rest

We can never stress enough the importance of adequate rest in maintaining kids’ health. Ensure that your children get 8 hours of sleep daily. A regular sleep-wake cycle plays a vital role in the upkeep of physical as well as mental health. Besides, it boosts the immune system and makes kids’ bodies adept enough to fight off infections. 


Sleep deprivation reduces immunity and increases cases of inflammation, causing your child to fall sick more frequently. Therefore, get your little one to fall into a routine that takes care of their sleep cycle. Here are a few healthy sleep habits that you must incorporate in your child.


5. Take Hygiene Up A Notch

While hygiene practices should never be compromised, it is important to take extra care during winter. It is because this particular season puts kids’ health at an increased risk of diseases. Most people stay indoors, and the germs circulate in enclosed spaces for a very long time. Besides, a lot of people fall sick, and infected respiratory droplets are more likely to be found on exposed surfaces. 


To prevent your kids from getting infected, ensure that they follow proper sanitation measures. Advise them not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without washing their hands. Make sure that they clean their hands with soap and water before eating, after using the toilet, and after coming from outside. You can follow these winter hygiene tips to keep kids healthy this winter.


To prevent the added trouble of fungal attack, ensure that your kid’s clothes, socks, bags, and other accessories are free from moisture during use.


6. Do Not Forget Sunscreen And Moisturizer

If you think sunscreen is only for summer, then let us bust your myth. The sun’s UV rays are equally harmful in winter too. Moreover, when your kids enjoy outdoor activities during winter, the snow reflects the sunlight, increasing exposure to the rays. Therefore, even though you might not witness many cases of sunburn in winter, lack of sun protection can lead to long-term skin damage. 


In addition to this, moisturizers are an important part of winter care for kids. The dry air and hot baths during winter make the skin dry. It can cause itching and rashes. So, never forget to moisturize their skin. You can visit this site for more skin care tips to follow during winter, you can visit this site.

7. Make Sure they Are Active

Though winter makes it a herculean task to climb down the bed, staying snug in the blanket all day can weaken your kid's immune system. To battle the increased chances of illness looming over their heads, your kids need to be active and engage in some sort of physical activity every day. Therefore, don’t let them stay curled up in bed throughout the vacation. Ensure that they move out into the sun and play for some time. This will also maintain the required levels of vitamin D in their body- an important determining factor of immunity. Here are a few methods you can try to keep your kids active this winter.

8. Make Sure They Are Vaccinated

Vaccines play a crucial role in keeping us protected against a wide spectrum of diseases. Especially during winter, the risk of certain viral and bacterial diseases like influenza and pneumonia increases. Timely vaccination can keep these illnesses at bay. Therefore, to keep kids healthy this winter, make sure that they are vaccinated as per the pediatrician's advice. You can also check out this article that lays out some important vaccines that one should take to stay protected during winter.



Follow these simple tips to keep kids healthy this winter and have a wonderful time seeing your little ones frolic around in merriment. Cover their cute, little bodies with the warmth of’s winterwear and share your happiness with us. We can’t wait to be happy with you. 

]]> 2022-12-11T03:30:00-05:00 2022-12-11T03:30:00-05:00 Places In Nature For Toddlers To Explore When They Are Stuck Inside All Day Subrata Sharma Wondering what are some places in nature for toddlers to explore? We are here to help. Read about simple yet amazing outdoor explorations to entertain your toddlers.


Places In Nature For Toddlers To Explore When They Are Stuck Inside All Day

Today, the time we spend with nature has diminished. However, hardly anything can influence our moods in the way exploring nature does. In this tech-savvy era, our toddlers remain stuck at home all day, glued to gadgets. It is our responsibility to take them out and give them a taste of outdoor exploration. 

If you are wondering where to start, then here is a list of places in nature for toddlers to explore. We know you are going to fall in love with the ideas and plan an excursion soon. So, don’t you think stashing your toddler’s wardrobe with a few new outfits will be a good idea for future expeditions? Check out our collection at, and we assure you, you won’t have to look further.

Take A Tour Of The Gardens

Gardens are manifestations of nature in a thumbnail. If you have a garden, then you don’t have to search for places in nature for toddlers to explore. Your garden can provide them with a wonderful opportunity to connect with nature and rejuvenate. Accompany them to your garden and let them explore nature. Engage with them in fun activities. 

Ask them to water the plants with you, pluck flowers and ripened fruits, root out weeds, and identify plants, colors and insects. Time spent like this will be not only enjoyable for your tot but also informative. Here are a few outdoor activities with toddlers that can you can try out in your garden. These convince us that having fun doesn’t always require stepping out of the house, doesn’t it?

Let The Sky Mesmerize

The sky is one of the best places in nature for toddlers to explore. Nothing can be more exciting than exploring the celestial beauties. Gazing at the sky can be an all-time favorite activity for you and your kids. The beautiful colors splashed across the sky during sunrise and sunset can be a delightful experience. Besides, you can discuss the shapes of clouds with your toddler during the daytime.


The night sky is another wonder. It presents the ever-gorgeous twinkling stars, the gleaming moon and the gliding satellites. Trace constellations with your kids, talk about the moon and planets and use an astronomy compass to identify heavenly bodies you can see with the naked eye. If you don’t know where to start, then here is a comprehensive guide to stargazing with kids.

Explore Life In Your Backyard

Another fun way to engage kids in outdoor exploration is to take a micro hiking challenge in your backyard. This offers yet another great opportunity to explore nature and have some fun. Set them free to run and hop. Ask them to touch the trunk of trees and feel their texture. Help them express how leaves and flowers feel on their fingers.


 Select a small area and help them name everything that’s in it. If your little one has a flair for painting, then you can ask them to sketch your backyard. Join them in these activities, so that they feel more like play and less like lessons. 


To make things more interesting, you can put up tents in the backyard and emulate a camping experience. If you are looking for more exciting things to engage your toddlers in, then here is a list for for you. Your toddlers can indeed have a lot of fun within the boundaries of your home. All you need to do is get creative!

Take A Trip To The Farms

If you want to leave the confines of your home to give your kids a good time, then a farm stay vacation is an escapade you won’t regret. Even if you are not planning to stay, spending an entire day on a farm can be a very fulfilling experience for your kids. We guarantee it’s going to make the child in you spring up and scamper across the farm. 


Farms are outdoor spaces that not only provide a sprawling land for kids to ramble but also hold in them the answers to how food reaches us, how animals support our lives in beautiful ways, and how to care for them. 


Getting unplugged from the hustle and bustle of the city and basking in the tranquil solitude of the farm can reinvigorate your kids and give you a much-needed break. Farms can provide your kids with an opportunity to bottle-feed animals, milk cows, collect eggs, swim, and raft in the dams. To enjoy outdoor activities with toddlers while staying close to nature and nurturing heartwarming relationships with animals, check out these farms where you can plan a staycation.

Visit a National Park

National parks provide yet another exciting opportunity for outdoor exploration. They are natural parks that are protected by the government and are used for the conservation of natural ecosystems. Kids will have loads to learn from a trip to a national park; starting from different types of plants and animals to their natural habitats to the significance of conservation. 


Your little one will certainly leave the national park a little wiser. Joining a junior-ranger program, sledding a sand dune, taking a horse ride, enjoying a train ride, there are endless activities to give your tot the thrill of a lifetime. But before you start planning for a trip, take a look at these tips to follow while visiting a national park with your toddler.

Beaches Can Be Fun

If you are scouting for outdoor spaces to take your toddlers to, then the idea of a beach retreat has definitely not crossed your mind yet. Yes, your little ones can also have a wonderful time at the beach too. 


Looking at the tides dancing, running around aimlessly on the beach, following little crabs coming out and going into the holes, finding starfish that are washed ashore, and collecting shells can add some beautiful moments to your kid’s memory bank to cherish. This is not the end. There is a lot more than your kids can do at the beach. If you are wondering how else to entertain your little ones, there here are some amazing ideas for you.


Your toddlers need to be out there, under the sky, in the lap of nature to have wholesome and surreal experiences. Being in touch with nature will contribute to their holistic development in addition to shaping an enjoyable childhood for them. We hope, you got enough ideas about places in nature for toddlers to explore.

If your toddler is being cranky, then maybe they want nature’s lullaby to soothe them. So, why wait? Pick up one idea from our list that is the most feasible at the moment and see if it helps. Also, did you check Why not fetch some adorable clothes to pamper your little one? After all, there is nothing that new outfits cannot fix!

]]> 2022-11-21T00:52:20-05:00 2022-12-19T21:11:50-05:00 Why You Should Be Involved in Your Kids' Education? Subrata Sharma Parents have an important role to play in their children's education. Find out why parents should be involved in their kids' education and how can they be involved! 


Why You Should Be Involved in Your Kids' Education?

Who is the first teacher of your child? Well, the answer is pretty easy, it is you! Your kid has already learned a lot from you, like how to talk, walk, and smile. She picks up new things from you every day. And in the same manner, she can also understand the value of education by seeing how much you cherish it. Children are considerably more interested in what you show them than in what you say. 


One important part of every kid's life is education. You must perform numerous things to guarantee your child's complete growth. Participating in your kids’ education is one such thing. So, let's get into details about why you must be involved in your kids’ education


But before that, kids work very hard at school, and to motivate them, it is okay to cherish them with gifts. The best you can give them is comfortable fits. So check out awesome collections that are comfortable and stylish.

Reasons Why Parents Should Be Involved In Their Kids' Education

It Helps Kids To Achieve Academic Success

A study found that children who have parental involvement in their education have superior academic achievement. All parents share this truth no matter their race, nationality, or degree of education. Additionally, parents' involvement seems to help their children more. These students typically finish their assignments on time and, as a result, get superior grades. Additionally, parental participation increases the child's attendance, which is important for passing the class. Given how crucial academic achievement is for your children, you should become active in their education to ensure it.

Kids Will Have Regular Attendance In School

Children who have involved parents attend school more frequently than children who don't have involved parents. There are presumably several reasons why this happens. Parents who are involved frequently place high importance on education and promote regular attendance. Second, children who receive parental assistance frequently feel more confident in their academic abilities, which makes them less likely to want to skip school. Last but not least, parental participation raises children's academic attitudes and increases their desire to attend school. Regular attendance plays an important role in your child's overall development. Click here to find out how stellar attendance can be advantageous for your kid.

It Promotes Better Behavior

The tween years are common when behavioral problems first surface, particularly as children's cognitive development encourages risk-taking. Fortunately, parental involvement can help prevent many of these behavioral problems. When you are involved in your kids' education and your kids' school, your child will exhibit improved social and behavioral skills. According to studies, children who have their parents involved are less likely to miss school, behave well in class, and complete their homework. According to one study, kids who have parents actively involved in their education had better school experiences and were less likely to be disciplined, expelled, or forced to repeat a grade. Also, if you know tips on teaching kids good behavior, you can navigate this site.

It Helps Your Kid To Be More Social

Children's social development is aided by parental involvement in their education. Students who experience both home and school support exhibit more favorable attitudes toward learning, are more self-assured and prioritize academic success. A child's likelihood of feeling welcomed, included and valued at school increases if their parents are actively involved. Particularly, children who have involved parents interact with their peers more favorably than children who have absent parents. They also appear to have higher developed social abilities. Notably, improved social skills also influence academic success.

It Supports Mental Health

Last but not least, if you are involved in your kids’ school and education, then you can be assured that they have better mental health as compared to kids whose parents are not interested in their schooling. Parental involvement in schooling benefits children's self-esteem. The ability to control one's emotions is improved in children with involved parents, and negative feelings are experienced less frequently. Overall, parents who choose to get involved with their children's academics reap the rewards for their children that extend far beyond the classroom.

How Can You Be Involved In Your Kids' Education

  • Read To Your Kid

Children's vocabulary, general knowledge and reading abilities, and general knowledge can all be improved by reading to them. Only twenty minutes of reading can do wonders. Can you make it interesting too? How? Well, you both can take turns; first, you read to your kid and then she can read it for you. 

  • Sit With Your Kid When Doing Homework

Nobody enjoys doing schoolwork alone when their friends are out enjoying, playing, and having fun. If you are present and your kids are aware that they are not missing anything, they will be more able to focus. Additionally, doing homework together helps strengthen relationships.


  • Learn And Grow Together

You might not be familiar with all the solutions to your children's homework as they grow and teaching methods evolve. However, don't let it deter you from offering assistance! You can together look for a solution. By teaching your kids how to research and search for information, you also give them study skills they can use afterward. 


Summing up, despite the numerous changes to our educational system over the past few decades, family involvement is still essential for student success. As you have seen above, engaging in your child's schooling has several advantages. Students who have parental involvement in their studies are more likely to attend school consistently, regardless of their family's background or income. They are also more likely to have higher test scores and grades. When students receive support at home and school, they become more optimistic about learning, self-assured, and focused on academic success.


Also, check out, amazing clothes for kids for little princes and princesses. They will surely love the amazing and cool design, and there are so many choices to pick from.  


]]> 2022-11-10T06:30:01-05:00 2022-12-19T21:12:20-05:00 How Do You Homeschool Your Kids? What Are The Challenges, And What Are Some Excellent Tips For Getting Started? Subrata Sharma Homeschooling is an excellent way to educate children. However, there are some challenges associated with homeschooling. Learn what they are and how to overcome them! 


How Do You Homeschool Your Kids? What Are The Challenges, And What Are Some Excellent Tips For Getting Started?

Homeschooling your kid was once regarded as a rarity among families, but it has recently gained popularity. You may decide to educate your child for various reasons, including the fact that you frequently relocate, your child may have health issues, or you may simply feel that homeschooling is best for your child. 

The good news is that homeschooling your kid is probably easier than you realize. It can have many outstanding advantages for your children, even though it may take some time to establish a schedule.

Today we will take a look at what are homeschooling challenges, and we will give you some tips to overcome these challenges too. Don't worry; we will take care of you. However, you can also take care of your children by giving them the incredible comfort of clothes. After studying for hours, they need something to cheer them up. So, check out the impressive excellent collection.

Challenges of homeschooling

Juggling a variety of roles

It takes a lot of work to be a parent. Additionally, the parent who chooses to homeschool their child also takes the responsibility of an educator. So, you must have lots of patience and, of course, dedication to plan the lessons, complete the assignments, and complete the study curriculum. It could result in tiredness, which might subsequently show up negatively.

Can be the absence of structure

A homeschooler's life does not include the schedule of going to school and having a planned day. Aside from this, a child learns new life skills from the experience of attending a school, adjusting to new environments, making friends, etc. When it comes to teaching kids, the learning environment plays an important role; you can read more about it here.

Formulating the lesson plan

A team of educators working together creates the study curriculum, activity schedule, and lesson plan for a school. It helps the kids learn when there is a solid lesson plan; lesson plans are extremely important. Being a one-person army, parents may encounter several obstacles as they carry out thorough instructional preparations. Additionally, the child's homeschooling is affected if the parent becomes sick.

Resources might be limited

For the appropriate explanation of some lessons, lab equipment is required. It can be a little cumbersome to set up these resources at home. So, these are some of the homeschooling challenges; however, you don't have to worry because although there are challenges, there are solutions too. 

Tips for parents to homeschool their kids

Have a curriculum

As you have seen above, one of the challenges is not having a lesson plan and curriculum. So, planning your curriculum is the first step in starting a homeschool, just as in any other procedure. You cannot succeed in your endeavor to provide a quality education unless you create a curriculum plan. However, you don't have to fret, as creating a curriculum is not as difficult as it seems. You can quickly look online; the best solution is to reach out to the school for the study curriculum.

Personalized the learning environment

Your kid can develop reliable study habits by having a dedicated study space. For kids to do their studies, whether they are using a desktop or desktop, it is crucial to establish a specific learning area. You have to ensure that they have access to all the necessary tools, such as notebooks, pencils, headphones, printers, etc., so they can study and work undisturbed; also, the workplace should be a peaceful, low-traffic section of the house. However, apart from homeschooling, creating a learning environment in your home also helps your kids' overall development. You can navigate this site to learn more about it.

Manage the time

Children learn numerous things according to a fixed schedule in a regular school setting. In the context of homeschooling, the time-management becomes far more flexible. Children's education benefits significantly from the spontaneity and flexibility that homeschooling offers. Without a defined structure, it's simple to become sidetracked, nevertheless.

When there is a simple framework and routine, children thrive. Think about making and adhering to a daily schedule. Though adjustments are always possible, having a daily routine will help you stay on task and track.

Engage in extracurricular activities

The ability to learn outside a typical classroom setting is one of homeschooling's best features and one of the biggest benefits. You should look for opportunities to learn outside the classroom by visiting the library, playing board games, going to the store, sending emails to family and friends, etc. Make room in your daily calendar for these activities, and remember that learning new skills, making new friends, and having fun are all crucial aspects of growing and learning. For a well-rounded education, incorporate these extracurricular activities into your homeschool setting. Remember, even at school, there is an active period! For the overall development of your kids, extracurricular play an important role. You can learn more about it here.


Join local group

Who can help you better than other homeschool parents? At least one homeschool support group will meet various community needs in every town, city, or state. Parents can immediately ask other parents who have been homeschooling their kids for an extended period. You will have access to innovative solutions and a greater understanding of the early issues that may affect you, thanks to these support groups.


These were the advice you needed to start your path of homeschooling your kid. Giving yourself a breather when things don't go as planned will help you understand that no journey in home education will be flawless; after all, things don't happen smoothly in "normal" school either. Remember, a successful career is built on a solid education. The best teacher your child can have is you, the parent.

And you can make this homeschooling your kid journey a little more happy and cute by getting the children's apparel from When you see your kid smile wearing these adorable fits, it will surely make your day. 


]]> 2022-10-20T13:36:21-04:00 2022-10-20T13:36:21-04:00 Micro Habits Of Parenting Better Every Day Subrata Sharma Parents always strive to improve themselves so that they provide the best environment for their children. One way to do this is to follow the micro habits of parenting outlined in this article. Take a look at these habits and be better at parenting every day. 


Micro Habits Of Parenting Better Every Day

Being a parent is not easy; after all, it is a lifelong experience. Though we want to serve as the best role models and give our children all the comforts of the world, our children actually benefit more when we are intentional about our behaviour and engagement with them and give them more time, attention, effort and knowledge. As there is no perfect parent and we are always learning to be more intentional and present with our children, it can help to keep a few micro habits that model important behaviors.  You can incorporate little changes into your parenting with these habits that will help you to achieve better parenting every day. 


Apart from sharing quality time, good ethics, and life skills with your children, it is also important to give them gifts they adore. You can get your hands on some of the coziest and most comfortable fall fashion clothes for your kids at 

Start your day with a smile

Nothing is better than greeting your children with a huge smile first thing in the morning. Just as y how your first interaction with someone sets the tone for all subsequent interactions, by smiling when you see your child for the first time each day, you can make their initial impression cheerful. It will improve your mood and create a welcoming environment for your child to start the day.  


This micro behavior will enhance your bond with your children and make them want to come to you whenever they wake up. Not only that, smiling more often has some other benefits.

That will be extremely helpful in enhancing the quality of life.

Now let's check out some of the micro habits of parenting


Take deep breaths when you want to yell 

It's a difficult scenario, and all parents will feel stuck. You all have faced a scenario when you are angry at your kids and want to yell out. But hold on. Now is your chance to either get caught on the feeling or stay present with the emotion and absolve yourself of any future regret for speaking harsh words. When you urge your child to clean up after themselves, help out, or stop bothering a sibling because you're at your wits' end, they vehemently resist. Believe it or not, most kids behave this way. 


In this scenario, the best course of action is to step back, look away, and take three or four deep breaths. By doing these simple actions, you'll feel instantaneously more at ease and be able to think more clearly. It's important to practice this micro behavior in low- or no-stress circumstances so that it comes naturally when you're under pressure. You can navigate to this site to learn about more ways to help you control your anger. 

Focus on your kids' feelings when they are acting out

Kids can be upset and angry, too; there might be a time when your kid is acting out. He or she might yell or toss objects if they are feeling unhappy or angry and expressive but unable to control themselves. Instead of reacting by yelling at them and telling them to go to their room, there is a better approach to take that does not focus on their behavior but rather on their feelings. You can calmly request that they be quiet and take a seat. The secret is to calmly deal with their feelings so that they can calm down and articulate what is upsetting them. To find out more about how to behave when your child acts out, click here.

Teach them that good or bad behavior is a matter of choice

It is important to tell your kids that behaviors are a matter of choice; the environment or other people do not control how you behave. By frequently referring to a child's behavior as a choice, parents can help children internalize the concept of choice. It goes without saying that you would want to bring up a child who respects others and behaves well. You wouldn't want your child to be irresponsible, cruel, or someone who attempts to bully or degrade others. Sayings such as "Good work, sharing your toys with your sister" can be used to accomplish this. Click here to learn more about how choice theory can affect children. 

Point your nose and feet towards your children when talking to them

Body language plays an important role in talking to others; the same principle applies to your kids. When your kid comes to you, and they want to talk to you or share something with you, you must give your undivided attention. The best way is to point your feet towards your kid. However, if you are sitting and unable to move your toes, you can still point your nose in their general direction. Your child will benefit from feeling safe, heard, and seen, and this is an essential step to better parenting to make your kids feel heard and seen. 

You can learn more about body language, here.

Final Words

As parents, it is not wrong to say that we are all a work of progress. So, being on this journey, we know what parenting habits we want to change and should incorporate into our lives. This is where Kaizen comes into the picture; it is a Japanese word that means "change for the better" and "continuous improvement." Kaizen is a powerful mindset that simple micro-behaviors can lead to larger effects in the long run. These micro habits don't take much willpower to maintain but require intentionality; with time, they blend in naturally with your behavior.

]]> 2022-10-06T12:04:10-04:00 2022-10-06T12:04:10-04:00 5 Fun Ideas For Making Pumpkin Decoration That Aren't Pumpkins Subrata Sharma From cute jack-o'-lanterns to scary witches, there are many ways to celebrate Halloween! We are sharing some creative fun ideas for making pumpkin Halloween decorations but with a twist – no pumpkins!


5 Fun Ideas For Making Pumpkin Decoration That Aren't Pumpkins

On Halloween, the custom involves carving Jack-o-lantern out of pumpkins. Still, at we like to encourage creative takes on customs so we thought it could be interesting to share some creative ways to do Halloween decorations without harming any pumpkins. For example, you can displace the traditional décor with Mason jar Jack-o-lanterns and toilet paper pumpkins to wood, cloth, and paper pumpkins. There are several alternatives to Halloween pumpkins, but if carving is still your preference, you can carve pineapple instead of pumpkins to practice your abilities.

So, let us check out other ways you can carve and decorate your place apart from pumpkin.


1. Fruits and vegetables

Apart from pumpkin, you can carve the following fruits and vegetables: 

  • Pineapple

One of the best alternatives to pumpkin carving is to carve a big juicy pineapple. Start by carving the Jack-o-lantern face into a pineapple using your sharpest knife. Since Halloween is all about spookiness, the scary effect is enhanced by the pineapple's rough exterior and the leaves' greenish color. Click here to learn the best way to use pineapple for your Halloween decoration

  • Watermelon

Watermelons offer a great substitute for classic pumpkin Jack-o'-lanterns due to their greenish tints. Watermelon carvings, which are both ornamental, look fantastic and work as tasty treats for visitors. So, it is not wrong to say that they can add a distinctive touch of excitement to your celebration. This Halloween, you may make a mesmerizing display of grinning watermelon. 

  • Apple

For your adorable little Halloween decoration, an apple works perfectly. The apples need to be peeled, leaving the stems intact. Use a melon baller and a small paring knife to carve faces into the apples. After that, let the apples dry out a little to give them a spooky shrunken apple appearance. Then, submerge them in cups of apple cider or a delicious Halloween punch; it acts as a perfect Halloween drink. 

  • Bell pepper

If you do not like to eat bell pepper, well, then carve them. Use a little knife to carve whimsical faces into plump bell peppers; otherwise, they won't turn out as well. Fill them with your favorite dips or a filling your family can eat for dinner to make yours work double duty. Well, navigate this site to learn about the bell pepper Halloween recipe!


2. Cheese

No charcuterie board would be complete without a cheese block that has been beautifully carved into a Halloween-themed form. Cut the top off a round of brie using a sharp kitchen knife, then fill it with jam or little candies to make your own. And if you are looking for a cheese board recipe, click here.

3. Wooden material

Well, who says you can only decorate your house with carved fruits and vegetables? Well, it is Halloween, and it is time to get creative. Using any salvaged wood in your Halloween holiday activities this year is a great way to create a genuine one-of-a-kind Jack-O'-Lantern and reuse wood once used for something else. There is no need to restrict oneself to conventional sphere-shaped items when looking around the house for potential reuses. Anything with enough thickness can be carved to look like a scary face. Do you want some inspiration, then check out these wood carving ideas.

4. Desserts

Did you know you can carve your dessert and eat it too? To make your Halloween dinner table decoration unique and different, you can carve little faces into baked goods that have been thoroughly cooled, such as cake and fudgy brownies. And if you make mistakes? Don't worry; at least you will have a tasty dessert to eat! Check out these desserts to add to your fun and spooky Halloween dinner.

5. Pumpkin

Okay, so try some non-carving pumpkin alternatives if you're not willing to give up on the traditional Halloween pumpkins. Melted crayons can be used. How? So, simply melt the crayons and pour them on top of the pumpkin to create a beautiful and colorful pumpkin without needing a knife. You can also use it to decorate your pumpkins with wacky slogans by painting them in pastel hues and using wacky, pun-filled phrases. You could even add some emojis to them! That will be a fantastic activity for children.

For more ideas on how to use pumpkins for your decoration without carving them, click here.

Some Halloween decorating tips

It can be a challenge to come up with fresh Halloween decoration ideas. Here are some Halloween decorating advice and tricks to help you get inspired. 


  • Remove the decorations

Well, the first crucial step is to remove all decorations from the surfaces, including tables, counters, and picture frames from the walls, and then add your Halloween items. It looks congested and disorganized when you layer Halloween decorations over your traditional décor. Your Halloween decorations should be the center of attention, so make them that way. You can hang eerie frames and Halloween plates in the empty place left by the picture frames. 


  • Color Scheme

Your decorations will always look fantastic in the traditional orange and black color combination. You may also go for a sinister black and green color scheme or a chic black and silver one. Your home will look spooky and, at the same time, elegant too.


  • Candles

Using candles to create a spooky atmosphere is a terrific idea. White candles have the creepiest appearance and are simple to find. You can put different candles as the centerpiece or on a mantle. If you turn down the lights, the candle glow will cast a spooky flickering shadow over the rest of your decorations.


In conclusion, although pumpkin carving and making conventional jack-o'-lanterns is something we all like doing, are you carving anything else this Halloween? In fact, this Halloween, create something unusual like some of the examples mentioned above by drawing inspiration from the original jack-o-lanterns. Any object that can be hollowed out and shaped is a fantastic possibility, and extra points if you can turn it into a delectable treat or entertaining display!



]]> 2022-09-25T12:30:01-04:00 2022-09-25T12:30:01-04:00 How to Encourage Your Child to Journal Subrata Sharma More

How to Encourage Your Child to Journal

For kids to be able to express themselves, journaling can be a terrific activity. Kids should have their own space where they can write their own thoughts, and since they have a lot of imagination, it can be a fun activity for them too. A child who keeps a journal can express their thoughts and feelings in a way that they feel comfortable. It is also a fantastic approach to encourage kids to express themselves verbally. 

Now, you know why journaling with your child is essential, so let's look at some ways to encourage your child to journal.

Let Your Kids Personalize Their Journal

All children can benefit from journaling, but parents must allow their children to personalize it to reflect their distinct personalities. Kids are inspired to write more frequently when they have the freedom to personalize their work any way they like. It serves as both a safe place for them and a means of expression. There are no rigid guidelines for maintaining a book or journal. Children love to collect things, and keeping a notebook is a beautiful method to gather all the essential items from their world.

Your child might be inspired to keep track of random items that spark their interests in their journal. Additionally, they can include their artwork, artifacts, a picture, a cartoon, etc. You shouldn't be concerned if your child's journal contains more pictures than writing. Let them fill their journal with their ideas. Give it some time; the words will eventually outnumber the pictures. Consider it the preparation for the future; it is the best way to encourage your child to journal. Drawing is essential for your child's development; if you want to read more about it, click here.

Let Them Pick Up The Journal/Book/Notebook Of Their Choice

Allow your children to make their own selections when you go shopping for writing supplies for them. There are various choices, including hardcover journals with blank pages or school notebooks on lined paper. Therefore, it is best to let your child pick the type they prefer. A child might develop a personal connection when they select a book. It will give them a feeling of ownership. After purchasing the book, obtain the pen, markers, etc. Your child's book choice will help you decide what kind of pens or markers to buy. In fact, let them choose the pens, pencils, and crayons too. It will give them the freedom to decide what they want, and it will also encourage journaling. When they have all the things of their choice, they will be eager to use them. However, you do have to remember that these supplies must be safe for your kid.


Do Not Prompt Continuously 

Children enjoy reading novels they choose, and writing follows the same rules. Kids will write more passionately if you allow them to write about the topics that interest them. Since it is their diary, they should have the right to write whatever they want. However, if you are just starting journaling with your child, then a little bit of prompt is okay. If your child is unsure about what to write, you might give them a hint by asking them to describe their favorite animal or something they enjoy doing. If your kid is reluctant to write, the best way to encourage your child to journal is that you start journaling with your child. When your child sees your journaling, they will be inspired too. If you want ideas about the prompt, you can navigate this site.


Keeping It Private

Tell your child that they can keep their journal private because their journal is a special book. The most important thing is to convey to your child that their notebook is a secure space where they can write down anything that comes to mind. A journal is a private, individual outlet that requires some degree of independence to keep its value. The journal's primary function is as a personal diary for the writer. Suppose you believe that your child's notebook contains clues to their wellbeing or that determining their interests and goings-on is crucial. In that case, you can offer something from your own journal in exchange for an entry from your child to encourage journaling. It can be a great bonding and a perfect way to spend some time with your kid. There are several benefits of spending time together with your child; you can read them here.


Make It A Daily Habit

Keeping a journal is the finest way to express oneself, and there are so many journal ideas to make it fun for kids to practice writing at home. You must set out time each day for journaling and make an effort to do it frequently, ideally daily. If you ask kids to write in their notebooks at a set time every day, they'll be more likely to remember to do so. Kids will learn from this that keeping a journal is something to do every day rather than just once a month. Having a routine is essential; it can be of anything, whether going to dance class, brushing teeth, or even journaling.


Final Words

In conclusion, these are some ways to encourage your child to journal. For toddlers, you can encourage them to draw images. Once they can write, you can have them start adding writing to the pictures in their journal books.

You can help them to be creative, and if you want them to be comfortable, navigate to for the best kids' comfortable clothing. Their clothes collections are tailor-made for kids and are super comfortable. 

]]> 2022-09-10T11:00:00-04:00 2022-10-04T05:48:40-04:00 Kids Classic Fashion for Fall Subrata Sharma More

Kids Classic Fashion for Fall

Buying clothes for kids is an important task, but it can be daunting for most parents as there are so many things to consider, but it doesn’t have to be this way.  Clothing for children is an investment, and investments should pay off. Additionally, when you are buying for fall, this becomes much more crucial. Since fall often lasts for three months, and your kids won’t be wearing these clothes for around nine months; that is why it is important to shop carefully. Also, kids grow fast, during the summer your kid might grow an inch taller, and they will not fit in their fall clothes, so you should pick investment pieces and there are several ways to do this.

Parents want the clothes on their children to be adorable, cozy, trendy, and long-lasting all at once. All of these qualities are provided by This will be the best gift for your kids.

So, let's look for timeless fashion trends for fall that will be durable and, of course, of the best quality. 

How To Shop Consciously For Your Kids' Clothing This Fall?


Conscious shopping is a way to lessen the consequences of fast fashion. Instead of making an impulsive purchase, you consider the item's quality, style, and, of course, how much wear your children will be able to get out of it. When you buy better-quality products for your children, you can save money over time and generate less waste.

However, being conscious doesn't mean you have to sacrifice fashion; there are kids' clothing like that provides timeless fashion trends for fall.

1. Go for second-hand or hand-me-down clothing

Hand-me-downs are the best way for eco-conscious clothing. One thing that is guaranteed with hand-me-downs is that they are sustainable outfits. Also, hand-me-downs ensure that the clothes are of the best quality. Since these clothes have already been worn, you can be assured of their durability, quality, and comfort. 

Talking about comfort, this white denim jacket from thedatingmaven is perfect for your little girl; it is fashionable and will be soft on the skin. 


This woven shirt from thedatingmaven will be a perfect addition to your little boys' fall collection. 

Also, if you have more than one kid, you can buy clothes in gender-neutral colors; in this way, your kids can quickly wear hand-me-downs. 

If you want to know how you can take care of hand-me-downs so that they look like new for years, then check


2. Always go for the best quality fabrics

One step towards getting eco-conscious clothing is always checking the fabric quality of the kids clothing. You have to be sure that the clothes that you are getting are going to keep looking good over the years to come, and they will be timeless classic clothing. Additionally, you must take washing into account. Get clothes that will still look excellent after a few washings. Making more sustainable purchases also involves becoming more conscious of the items you purchase for your kids. 

Cotton is one type of cloth that is both sturdy and environmentally beneficial. It is not only a wise choice, but cotton is also incredibly durable. You can also choose clothes made of Tencel, linen, etc.

 These cotton splatter leggings and front stretch trousers are perfect for your little girl and little man. When we talk about the best quality fabric, they are definitely one of the best choices. 

If you want to know more about the benefits of high-quality clothes, navigate to


3. Go for versatile clothes

As the name implies, seasonal attire is only valid while the seasons change. Therefore, you can purchase some versatile clothing. 

Such as this fantastic denim jacket for boys and long sleeves tee shirts for girls that your kids can use for any occasion throughout the year, which means your kids can wear them all year round. These are not only timeless classic clothing, but it also allows you to make conscious fashion choices.

Here is a guide about different types of kids wear, so that you can get inspired to mix and match.


4. Take care of the kids' clothing.

Getting classic fashion trends for fall is one thing but caring for them is another. If you want your kids' clothing to be timeless, you have to ensure that you properly take care of them. Correctly keeping your kids clothing can lengthen its life and lower the possibility of it becoming unwearable. Additionally, it reduces the need to purchase new clothing to replace them! 

The longevity of clothing can be shortened by washing it at higher temperatures. When washing, lower temperatures maintain quality and lessen the chance of shrinking, stretching, and color and texture loss. Also, before washing, you must check the label for washing instructions, as washing at the wrong temperature can hugely affect clothes.

Your children's clothing can last much longer if you use eco-friendly laundry detergents to help reduce the amount of wear and tear after each wash.

And if you want clothes that will look new even after wearing them several times, then this dragon hoodie and faux fur collar splatter is a perfect choice. 


5. Create a capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is created by purchasing a specified number of items you can combine with others to create various looks. This is ideal for developing timeless fashion trends for fall. Your kids can mix and match your kids' clothes. It is a fantastic choice for the start of a new season. A capsule wardrobe keeps things pretty straightforward. The number of stuff you need to assemble your capsule is not fixed and varies on the child, gender, age, etc.

If you want some cool clothes suggestions for mix and match, then you can go for this boy's knit blazer and girls' sherpa varsity bomber. You kids can pair it with any clothing. 

Check it out here to know more details about the capsule wardrobe.

Final Words

These were some ways for you to create timeless fashion trends for fall for your kids. Shopping consciously is a great way to be sustainable. This will not only help you to make conscious fashion decisions, and you will also be able to get the durable and highest quality fabric clothes that will be useful for years to come. 

So, if you are looking for the best place to shop for your kids, then you should check out; their collections are some of the bests, and don't forget to check out their bestsellers. 

]]> 2022-08-14T13:23:44-04:00 2022-08-14T13:23:45-04:00 Your kids need to watch these classic movies from your childhood Subrata Sharma


Your kids need to watch these classic movies from your childhood


When you were a kid, watching movies with your parents, especially those they grew up with, was always special. It is a great way to bond with parents. That is why you must introduce your children to movies that you enjoy. Watching the movies you love and sharing them with your kids is a wonderful experience. Kids love to watch new things, so why not introduce them to the classic cinema of your time? Of course, the animations and special effects will be outdated, but they are classic for a reason, right! 

And if you are gifting your children some wonderful time together, then you can add one more thing they will love: the summer apparel from Your kids will love the unique and comfortable collection.

Your kids need to watch these classic movies, and let's find out what they are:

The Parent Trap

You already must have gone nostalgic simply by reading its name. The 1998 Lindsay Lohan-starring version of this film is also one of the fantastic classic childhood films, but the original release tops the list. Start with The Parent Trap; if you're thinking of showing an old movie to your kids, they'll enjoy it. You and your child will laugh as you watch the twin sisters attempt to reconcile their estranged parents.

Additionally, you will discover significant life lessons in the process. Given that this film was created in 1961, there may be certain things you need to explain to your children. Therefore, you will enjoy spending a good time and teaching useful life lessons all in one move! In fact, movies play an important role in teaching valuable life lessons to kids.

The Land Before Time

Are you surprised to see this movie in kids need to watch these classic movies list? Well, this movie gives children a valuable life lesson about loss and friendship. It is one of the classic animated childhood movies of the 80s. Five cartoon dinosaurs find it impossible to survive in their destroyed homeland and embark on a journey to the Great Valley in the film. The Land Before Time played a significant role in the development of many children in the 1980s and 1990s. 

The movie deals with loss, and it's a wonderful approach to introducing your kids to the topic. Additionally, it imparts to children the value of friendship and teamwork. And you can develop an emotional connection with your child! It is important to have an emotional connection with your child, and if you are looking for ways to develop it, you can find them here


Space Jam

Space jam is an iconic 90s classic cinema. Two of the amazing 90s heroes were in this movie: Michael Jordan and, of course, looney tunes; who can forget looney tunes. Kids at that time loved the looney tunes; bugs bunny was actually a rage! This hilarious film teaches kids the importance of having confidence in themselves. Even though it's a comedy, you may laugh with your kids while watching it, but it also sends a lesson about knowing your skills and feeling you're enough. 

Simply told, it's a lot of fun, especially with the addition of all the Looney Tunes characters. The nostalgia attached to Space Jam is another factor that makes it so well-known. People born in the 1990s and 2000s most likely owned the VHS video, desired the sneakers or both. Nothing compares to those wonderful earlier days! And you get to share this classic old movie with your kid; you can tell your kids crazy stories from your childhood. Watching movies with your kids regularly is helpful; you can read more about it here.

Home Alone

When talking about Kids need to watch these classic movies, you can never miss home alone. It is one of the most classic childhood films you must have watched thousands of times, and probably can't watch more than thousands of times too! It's a good, unique movie that every kid should watch. It's entertaining, humorous, and teaches kids what should not be done if they ever feel in danger! Well, not every movie is meant to teach some lesson; some are good old family movies that you watch during Christmas, holidays, with your family; and home alone is one such movie! 


You and your children will enjoy viewing this movie together because it makes you laugh loudly. And you will be happy to know that watching family movies improves the relationship with kids.

Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory

The movie was one of the best physical comedies ever made when it was released in 1977. Your child will be in awe of Willy Wonka's wonderland. Despite the fact that this movie is ridiculous, it is still pleasant to watch a feel-good movie, and there are many valuable lessons hidden in action. Every child should watch this classic cinema because it is full of imagination. And a child has no limit to their imagination. There is also a remake of the film that was released in 2005. Also, if you want to find out more about family comedy movies, then you can navigate to this site

Back to the future

These kids need to watch these classic movies list incomplete without mentioning back to the future. It is a classic movie of the 80s and is now a cult movie of the 20th century. The film is about time travel, and because it was produced in the 1980s, you can notice some of its shortcomings. As an adult, you'll view this movie from a different angle. But the idea of a teenager seeing his parents as children will be loved by your children. If you loved this movie, then you are looking for a similar movie, then you should check this site for recommendations. 


It will fill your heart watching your kid enjoying a move that you have cherished a lot. It is a good way to spend quality time with your kid; you can also share your stories from when you were little. So, grab some popcorn, and some soda, and you are good to go! 

Also, if you want to surprise your kid, then the stylish clothes from is a perfect choice. A perfect movie and amazing clothes will definitely make your kid's day. 

]]> 2022-08-07T23:25:05-04:00 2022-08-07T23:25:05-04:00 Five yummy summer drinks for kids to beat the heat Subrata Sharma More

Five yummy summer drinks for kids to beat the heat

During summers staying hydrated is crucial given the intense sun and hot temperatures. Summer also brings the summer break, which means kids will not stay inside. Summers are full of exciting opportunities and fun-filled activities for kids; that is why to combat exhaustion and get energy, it is crucial they have good hydration levels. This is where summertime drinks come into play; they control body temperature and provide cells with nutrition.

There are some amazing summer drinks for kids to beat the heat, and the best part is they are refreshing and healthy drinks

You know, apart from the refreshing drinks, there is another way for your kids to beat the heat, and that is comfortable clothes. So, if you want your kids to get the best summer clothing, check out the summer collection.

Now, let's look at the five yummy summer drinks for kids to beat the heat. 


The most well-known summertime drink is definitely lemonade. Nothing can compare to a classic glass of lemonade; it doesn't matter how many new drinks are created. Lemon water has salt and sugar, which helps to increase your kid's metabolism and keep their sodium and potassium levels in a healthy range. Lemons are high in vitamin C and aid in improving digestion as well. Your child will try to drink more water throughout the day if you add lemon to his beverage. Adding mint to it makes it one of the best refreshing and healthy drinks, and it is also an amazing way to beat the summer

If you want to know more about how lemonade is a good summer drink for kids, you can navigate this site

2.Fruit Smoothie

It is one of the simple, refreshing drinks, yet it is delicious. Kids love to eat anything frosty, and what could be better than a delicious chilled smoothie? They will provide your child with a delicious approach to beat the heat in addition to refreshing them. The best aspect is that you may use a variety of fruits to create delicious smoothies for your kids. Adding your kids' favorite fruits is the perfect method to combine different flavors. Smoothies can undoubtedly be a great healthy drink to beat the summer. Also, check these different smoothies recipes if you want to try something different.

3.Strawberry Milkshake

Strawberry milkshakes are the ultimate delight and will always be present in your kitchens, and they are here to stay. You can never go wrong with a strawberry milkshake, and you don't even have to add in some extra flavors, nothing. The traditional milkshake will do the trick; it is a deliciously refreshing drink that your kids will love. The only ingredients you need are fresh strawberries, milk, sugar, and vanilla ice cream. You can substitute fresh strawberries by including some frozen strawberries. You can easily avoid adding sugar if you believe it will make the milkshake overly sweet or unhealthful. You can check this out if you want to know a healthy recipe for a strawberry milkshake.

4.Watermelon Lemonade

This is one of the best summer drinks for kids to beat the heat, according to health rankings, is watermelon juice. It has a lot of water and important nutrients, and it cools the body like nothing else. The two summertime favorites, watermelon, and lemons, are combined in watermelon lemonade. You can use ice cubes or frozen watermelon to make a cool drink. After consuming this, your kids will feel invigorated, and there are other health advantages as well. This will help your kid battle the summer heat, and the added benefits are watermelon and lemon's antioxidant and purifying qualities. You can find more details about the health benefits of watermelon here

5.Pineapple Mojito

Pineapple Mojito is one of the simple refreshing drinks. Your kids will love the flavor of this coconut water and pineapple juice blend because it is so very refreshing. You get a mixture of tangy, minty sweetness with loads of ice. As a sweet fruit, pineapple adds to the flavors and assists in lowering the amount of sugar in the beverage. Therefore, it is not only refreshing but also healthy. There are several health benefits of pineapple, and you can also serve it as it is to your kids. But it is always nice to mix it up.

Tips to keep your kids hydrated

Below are some tips that you can follow to keep your kids motivated to drink water. 

  •  Children begin to have opinions when they are a bit older. Some of them find water dull as it has no flavor. You must therefore make it a refreshing drink, just like you see the above five drinks. 
  • Even toddlers have opinions, and they simply convey them differently by using their actions more often than their words; some might refuse to drink the water despite being thirsty. You should purchase unique cups in a variety of colors to make drinking water interesting.
  • Consider purchasing reusable water bottles if your child is a toddler or any other age who can consume fluids on their own and needs to be hydrated. Children have an awareness of their own objects. So, whenever they feel thirsty, they know that they have their own bottle; they will get it and drink from that. 


It cannot be easy to choose the ideal summer drink for your child while simultaneously considering its nutritional value. You can put water in your child's water bottle, but it will just satisfy their thirst. Additionally, kids frequently forget to drink water or become tired of drinking plain water or glucose, which is not a good indicator for preventing dehydration. So instead, you can make these amazing nutritional-filled summer drinks for kids to beat the heat

When kids play in the sun, they are sweaty, and if they are not wearing comfortable summer clothes, then it can cause rashes. So, for the best summer apparel for kids, visit, and get your kids one of the most comfy fits. 


]]> 2022-07-24T09:30:00-04:00 2022-10-20T13:42:03-04:00 Let's motivate kids to become active- Everything explained Subrata Sharma One of the most important factors for a child's development is to encourage them to be active. It can be challenging to motivate kids to become active but here are some tips to follow!



Let's motivate kids to become active- Everything explained

Adults aren't the only ones who should get some exercise; children, too, require physical activity. Doctors advise that children get at least 60 minutes of exercise or any form of physical activity daily.


As a parent, you want your child to have a healthy life, and one way to do so is to encourage them to go outside and play. So, if your kid isn't inspired to play or is not physically active, you must motivate them.


When kids play, they become sweaty, so it is important to get them clothes that are comfortable to wear and soft on the skin, so check out the cloths collection for kids and get the perfect outfits.


So, here are some of the ways you can motivate kids to become active.

1. Be Active Yourself

Children learn from adults; as a result, leading by example is the greatest method of motivating kids to be active. So, if you want your children to be physically active, you must follow the same. If your child sees you taking care of yourself and following your own advice, it will motivate them.


One way to do this is to find an activity that both you and your kid can enjoy. It is always fun to participate in different activities with your kids. You can take them with you on walks, go to the kids' playground, or join them in a sport. You may turn this into an enjoyable exercise for them to look forward to. There are several benefits of exercising as a family; you can read about it here.

2. Enroll them in the activity they love

Do your children enjoy dancing? Then sign them up for a dance lesson. This will assist them in maintaining a normal level of physical activity. And it isn't just restricted to dance; it may also include karate, yoga, swimming, and other activities. If they're doing something they enjoy, your child will be more engaged, and it is the best way to motivate kids to become active. They will be among other children who are participating in the same activity as them. Also, if your children enjoy sports, you should enroll them in a local club as soon as possible. Motivating kids to play sports not only keeps them physically active, but there are other important benefits too. So, if you want to know how sports affect your child, navigate this site.

3. Be creative

Sometimes you have to think outside the box if you want your kids to be active. Motivating kids to be physically active can be difficult, and enrolling them in a sports club or any other club can be expensive. But if you want to motivate kids to become active, then you don't always have to spend Money. It is the perfect time to be creative. Take your children to the kids playground if the weather is favorable, and encourage them to play with their siblings or friends. You could get a ball and also just play catch with them.


If it's raining, you may take them to the indoor playground or just let them play and run around the house; a little mayhem is great! You can involve children in various domestic tasks, such as mowing the grass, washing dishes, etc. They will get the physical exercise they need and will also realize the necessity of doing domestic duties. So, they’ll be physically healthy and develop good behaviors, which will be a win-win situation.


Any form of physical activity is preferable to none, so get your kids to move in any manner; you can also check out this site to find ways to motivate kids to be involved in household chores.

4. Limit their screen time

The biggest culprit of kids not being active is sitting in front of the television or mobile phones. It's critical to keep your children's screen time to a minimum. You know it is crucial to keep your child physically active, so it's necessary to set a limit on how much television they should watch and how many hours. If you do, your children will have free time on their hands, which they can put to good use. You should check out these tips for limiting screen time.

5. Make a routine

 Routines and structure are beneficial to most children. They know what to expect when there is a routine. Simple things like sticking to a food routine, a sleep routine, an exercise regimen, and so on give them structure. These also instill healthy habits in children, which are crucial in developing their behavior. This is something you can incorporate into your kids' daily exercise routine. You can set up a time that will only be dedicated to some physical activity, either playing in the kids playground, playing a sport, or anything. Structure is important for kids as when there is a fixed time, your kid will be aware and know they have to follow it.

6. Motivate them with toys

Give them toys that can only be played with outside. If your child has a toy they can play with outside, they are likelier to be enthusiastic about being active. You can get kids jumping ropes, bicycles, and other physically demanding toys. Cycling is good for kids, it is fun and also physically rewarding. It's the most effective strategy to keep children physically active, and they will love it.


It is critical to motivate kids to become active because it is vital for their physical and mental wellbeing. You should teach your children why physical activity is important. Furthermore, it is never too late to begin developing healthy behaviors. So, it doesn't matter what age your kid is at, and it is always a good time to start. Keep these suggestions in mind, and you'll be OK.

 Also, when your kids follow a healthy routine, it is OK to gift them to motivate them more. Some stylish clothes from will definitely make their day.



]]> 2022-07-10T09:01:03-04:00 2022-10-20T13:42:33-04:00 Travel Smart With Children: Five Tips And Tricks To Keep In Mind While Traveling With Kids(For the summer) Subrata Sharma You can Travel smart with children by keeping these five family travel tips in mind. Following these will make your family trip a carefree and smooth experience that everyone will remember.


Travel Smart With Children: Five Tips And Tricks To Keep In Mind While Traveling With Kids(For the summer)


Traveling is a fantastic way to spend quality time with your children while exposing them to new experiences. However, it can be intimidating as well. However, you can make traveling with kids enjoyable and stress-free. After all, you and your children should be able to relax and enjoy the holidays, so travel smart with children with the following tips.

It can be difficult to plan a family trip with your family and children, especially in the summer, but it is not impossible. It's a long list of where to go, what to bring, which hotel to book, etc. However, if you follow the advice below, you will be well prepared and manage all the hassle. Also, you want your kids to have comfortable outfits, especially during summers, so check out the summer collection and get the perfect fits for your little ones.

 So, keep these pointers in your mind whenever you plan a summer getaway.

1.  Do not overpack

 When traveling with kids, there's a good chance you'll want to bring everything. It may appear to be a good idea, but it isn't. Managing children while carrying large luggage is a difficult task. And if you have a toddler, they will almost certainly want to be carried, so carrying both the child and the luggage is a no-no. You don't have to bring everything; only bring what you need. This is how you travel smart with children. It would be best not to try to maintain your daily routine, as traveling will surely disrupt it. Even if you try and bring in huge luggage, it will just result in sore arms and annoyance. Understandably if you need some guidance, then here are all the tips on packing light with kids.

2.  Take your time, do not rush.

A family trip can be a roller coaster, especially when traveling with kids. As a result, you might rush to the airport and make bookings. However, everyone should follow family travel tips, and that is to go with the flow. It would be best if you tried to sit back, relax, and plan ahead of time; there's no need to rush. You won't have to be concerned if you've prepared well. So take your time arranging your summer getaway so that you can relax and enjoy the trip when it arrives. However, arrive early at the airport, allowing you to control things if something goes wrong. After all, you don't want to be late for your flight and trapped with grumpy kids in summer! Pre-booking your flights and hotel is the best way to do it.

 Also, to have a perfect hotel experience, you should avoid these hotel booking mistakes.


3.  Keep drinks and snacks handy.


Dealing with hungry children, especially in summer, is a difficult challenge. Because the weather is already hot, your children will likely want beverages and snacks, so it's ideal if you have them on hand. Children with full bellies can be angels! As a result, keep snacks handy for your children at all times!


 Also, there may be circumstances where your plan is delayed due to a flight delay, a flat tire, or other factors. So long as you have plenty of food and drinks on hand, there should be no problems with your summer getaway. Also, your child may dislike the meals at a new location at first. As a result, you'll be able to give them something. If you want to get some ideas about what to pack, you should visit this site.


4.  Select a child-friendly hotel

If you want to travel smart with children, ensure that the hotel you booked is a kid-friendly hotel. A child-friendly hotel will have amenities such as a play area, a children's pool, babysitter services, children's daycare, and children's meals. Children get bored quickly; however, if the hotel is kid-friendly, your children will have plenty to explore, and they can also play with other kids. Not only them, but even you can also bond with other parents. Also, look for a hotel that is close to local attractions such as the beach, park, and cafes.

 Follow this site to get tips on how to spot a kid-friendly hotel.


5.  Ensure safety

When you are traveling with kids, there are chances that your kid might get away from your sight. So, you have to be prepared for this situation. Your contact information, including your phone number and address, should be given to your child. You can keep the information in their pocket or pin it for toddlers. You can also write or place the information in their socks or shoes. If you want to be creative, go ahead; nothing is more essential than your child's safety. This is one of the most crucial family travel tips that you should adhere to. These tips are best for keeping kids safe while traveling, so check them out.


Following these few pointers would greatly assist you to travel smart with children. These few pointers will help you deal with difficult events that may arise before or during your family trip in various ways. Your summer getaway may have some ups and downs, but with a few tips in your pocket, you'll be able to handle them better and make it a holiday that everyone will remember.


Also, kids play outside, they are sweaty, and if not of good quality, clothes can irritate their skin. You would want to give your kids comfortable, fit clothes and something soft on the skin. So, you should check out and their wonderful clothes collection.

]]> 2022-06-18T00:31:15-04:00 2022-06-20T09:09:57-04:00 10 Unique and Kind Ways to Make Dads Feel Special Subrata Sharma Here’s everything you can try out to make dads feel special. Take the extra mile today and celebrate the champion of your life in these cool ways.


10 Unique and Kind Ways to Make Dads Feel Special

Fathers often remain the unsung heroes of our lives. They consign all their comfort to give us a better life. Neither once, do they expect an acknowledgment or a reciprocation. To celebrate them, we shall need no particular day. Given below are a few ways to make dads feel special. But before heading to that if you are in touch with a new dad, then do not forget to send them the link of from where they might get to fetch some cool outfits for their little ones.

1. Compliment Him

One of the most wonderful ways to make dads feel special is to acknowledge what they have been doing for us. Just sit near him or walk up to him and say something nice following a warm hug. Remember, complimenting doesn't always have to be sentimental. You can just appreciate how smart he looks in a certain outfit and how gracefully he is pulling off his new haircut. These little words coming from you are sure to make his day. If you haven’t ever done it, and are pondering over the question of how to make your dad feel appreciated, you can head on to the website to help you frame your words.

2. Plan His Birthday Well

Spend time with him on his special day. Arrange a surprise, theme-based party with his close friends. This will not only fill him with joy but will also rejuvenate his inner child. Allow him a break from work. Plan a short vacation around his birthday, bake a cake, decorate the house, or try visiting him if you are staying away. If you are still wondering how to make your dad feel special on his birthday, then you can visit the website to navigate through wonderful ideas.


3. Join Him For A Morning Walk

Though you get the real kick from hitting the gym every evening and you prefer to be snug till late in the morning, try to leave the bed early sometimes. Be the first one to wish him and join him for a walk. It will be a wonderful start to his day as well as yours. Bonding over a walk, early in the morning, away from the hustle-bustle of the day is definitely going to be nourishing for both of you. Moreover, if you happen to read this article, you might just start accompanying him every day, for the benefits of walking are sure to pull you out of bed every morning.


4. Plan A Trip With Him

A very common answer that you will find to the question of how to make your dad feel special is to plan a trip. The hero behind most of our childhood trips was indeed our dads who drove us all the way to our destination and back. So, why not try to pay him back. Give him a break from driving. Plan a long ride, let him sit back, and enjoy throughout the ride. Besides, if you can, then go the extra mile and plan a surprise trip to a different state or country for your dad and
mom and let them have a reinvigorating vacation together. Here are a few tips to follow while planning the trip.

5. Play With Your Dad

If your dad loves sports, then one of the best ways to make him happy is to squeeze in some time to play with him. Be it badminton, football, golf, cricket, or any other game. Playing with him will assure him of the fact that you believe you can have fun with him. It is a great way to make him feel appreciated for the person he is. If your father prefers staying indoors, then you can try out some of these games with him.


6. Cook Him His Favourite Dish

Nothing tastes better than the food spiced up with love and care. Show your dad that you know him well and care about him by cooking him his favorite dish or baking his favorite cake. If you are new to the kitchen, then you must check out the link for amazing free online cooking classes or take help your beautiful mom.


7. Go Down The Memory Lane

Another answer to how to make your dad feel appreciated is to value his sentiments. Even if it is for the umpteenth time, let him show you your as well as his childhood pictures, let him talk about his friends and relatives. If there are some pictures you find him getting attached to the most, here’s what you can do with them.

8. Arrange A Pampering Session

Our dads have no time to spare. Toiling day in and day out, they exhaust themselves completely without even realizing it. As their dear kid, why don’t you try to pamper them? Register them for a self-care session. Arrange for a massage or spa. It will give them the much-needed break and restore their physical and mental energy. You can check out the site to understand why a massage is one of the best things you can gift your dad.


9. Watch A Movie Together

Your dad definitely falls short of recreation time. Give him the entertainment he
deserves. Take his happiness a notch higher by accompanying him. Believe it or not, no one can be a better movie partner to him than you. Bonding over scenes or giggling together will give you moments to cherish forever. Here is a list of a few movies you can enjoy with your dad.


10. Have A Hearty Conversation

One of the most simple yet effective ways to make dads feel special is to engage in a healthy conversation with them. Let him into your life, tell him what’s going on, what you are looking up to, and how you would love to have him by your side. Feeling included in your journey is what he always craves but never expresses. Moreover, you can try asking him questions and get to know a bit more about him. You will be baffled to find out, how much of his life is yet to be unraveled.


Hope, the blog gave you some helpful ideas on how to make your dad feel appreciated on his birthday as well as on regular days. You must try out every little way to make your dearest dad as happy as he deserves to be. For new moms out there, let your partner know about Who knows, he might chance upon the perfect outfit to twin with your
little one on the next big occasion.]]> 2022-06-11T16:31:30-04:00 2022-10-20T13:43:29-04:00 5 Healthy Lifestyle Choices To Make As A Family Jhocely Zambrano Now is the best time to check out the easiest healthy lifestyle choices to make as a family. Embrace the new lifestyle and become each other’s health coach today.


5 Healthy Lifestyle Choices To Make As A Family

It is obvious that it is impossible to stay conscious of your habits and lifestyle choices all the time. Deviations from healthy rituals are definitely acceptable, but only if you have bolstered your body by building a hearty foundation. Excuses can be easy to make. So, why not set a goal to be healthy as a family and check on each other to stay on track?

Given below are 5 healthy lifestyle choices to make as a family. Before proceeding with our tips, you should navigate to once and check out their spring sale. After all there is nothing wrong in gifting your little one a cute outfit in return for them agreeing to have broccoli for dinner!

1.  Know Your Family Well

One of the prerequisites of making healthy lifestyle choices is to know the history of your family’s health. If you are aware of that, then share it with your doctor. Based on that knowledge, your doctor might reveal to you the probability of certain diseases you can be afflicted with.

 If you know that you are having a family history of diabetes, hypertension, skin infection or any other disease, you will be on your toes to prevent it. A doctor’s consultation will help you incorporate the diet plans, restrictions and necessary physical activities into your healthy living routine which can benefit you in the long run. You can navigate to the site to find out how you should go about collecting your family’s health history.

2.  Exercise Together

It is a no-brainer that exercising is a must for maintaining family health. However, despite its importance being known to all, it is not always easy to pull yourself out of bed and sweat out.

But, exercising together can be fun. How amazing would it be to jog alongside your parents and siblings or take a walk with your grandparents? Moreover, even if you want to be snug in the bed till late on a lazy morning, you will have one of your family members drag you to be on your feet. Having a ritual of exercising together will help you grow physically as a family as each would keep a check on the other.

To be able to do this, decide a time; be it in the morning after you wake up or just before your evening snack. It is not compulsory for all the members of your family to stick to the same set of exercises. Based on age, health status, stamina and flexibility, members of your family can subscribe to specific exercises of their convenience. To take your healthy living endeavour a step forward, you must not miss out on reading about choosing the right exercise for your age.

3.  Have A Uniform Diet Plan

Talking about a healthy lifestyle doesn’t end until and unless the topic of diet is brought onto the table. What your family eats, will determine the family health. Because each member of your family will have a different palate, it is essential to zero down on a list of items that your family consumes regularly so that they get the required nutrients.

You can try planning out the menu for two weeks and repeat it alternatively for a month after which you can add different items for a change of taste. Make sure that the items on your menu are free from processed food, excess sugar and salt.

Incorporate loads of fruits and vegetables into your diet to maintain the good health of all your family members. To cater to your taste buds, you can definitely have cheat days. Although it is easy for adult members to follow the diet strictly for the sake of their health, it is not a cakewalk to maintain your kids’ health. To give them the perfect blend of health and taste, you must check out these healthy snacks.

4.  Divide Responsibilities

One of the most healthy lifestyle choices to make as a family is to divide your responsibilities among the members. Assign tasks to each of them; be it cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping or doing the laundry. To root out monotony, members can rotate the tasks every week or month.

This will not only reduce the burden on the one who takes care of the house but will also get other members to move. This will go a long way in preventing a sedentary lifestyle that potentially causes a lot of illnesses.

Especially to improve kids’ health and keep issues like obesity at bay, adhering to the system of shared responsibilities at home is a great choice. Here’s how you can share the household chores seamlessly amongst your family members.

5.  Spend Time Together

Though this often takes a backseat when it comes to making healthy lifestyle choices, it is equally significant. Spending time together creates a niche for all the members to destress in a day.

This influences the emotional health of your family as a whole. Therefore, irrespective of how caught up you are, schedule a time for your family to meet. Be it pre or post-dinner or just before you are going to start your day, just sit together. The cosy vibe of sitting around the most precious people of your life is enough to make you feel better, no matter how bad your day has been.

That slot will also facilitate you to blurt out things bothering you and let you seek help when in need. Doing this as a routine will naturally give you some time off of your tight schedule, a life out of work, love, affection and the break you deserve but wouldn’t take otherwise.

This will positively affect your mental health which in turn will shape your physical way in the best possible manner. If you are wondering when to get everyone together, then you must check these wonderful ideas to get that done.


Though the idea of health consciousness is seeing a boom recently, it has not been possible to consider the health of a family as a whole. Given above are some of the easiest healthy lifestyle choices to make as a family.

If you together set the goal of being healthy and hearty, it is going to be easier to stick to that for long. Fitting your children into a healthy schedule can be tough. But if they are being good kids then why not reward them at times. To do so, check out to get the best deals.

]]> 2022-06-09T11:30:28-04:00 2022-10-20T13:43:55-04:00 The Unspoken Challenges Of Motherhood- Let’s get real Urna Biswas More


thedatingmaven Kids, Parenting Blog, unspoken challenges of motherhood

Most mothers reflect on the glory and the beauty of motherhood, and while it truly is a beautiful phase of life, many stories are filtered to mask the challenges of new motherhood. Motherhood is a 24/7 responsibility that changes people's lives in myriads of ways. Of course, it is an exciting phase where mothers plan what clothes to buy, what toys their babies would prefer, and various other things. If you are confused about where to buy trendy apparel for your kids, thedatingmaven is your go-to!


Getting back to the challenges, we only rarely hear about the struggles, which makes it all the more important to bring the unspoken challenges of motherhood into the light. This not only helps a new mom understand her life ahead of pregnancy but also helps her realize that she is not alone in this journey.


So what are you waiting for? Get ready to find out what unfiltered motherhood feels like in this article!

1.   Your Life = Kids

thedatingmaven Toddler Clothing Kidswear Unspoken challenges of motherhood new Mom

Whether a new mom admits it or not, the birth of your baby causes an enormous change in your priorities. Your baby ends up becoming the center of your universe. This phase does not end when your children cross the toddler stage, in fact, it continues until your children reach their adolescence and become self-independent. It is especially challenging to set boundaries because your baby does not understand boundaries.


Mothers often end up prioritizing their kids' needs over their own. You might have planned a relaxing vacation; however, a sudden school event might force you to bail out on your plans so that you can take your child for event practice. This often creates an identity crisis because a mother's life gets intertwined with her kid. So, is there any separate identity for her? If you want to rediscover your identity, you can read this article!





2.   Does Sleep Exist?

Children's Clothes of Highest Quality,Chic And Practical Kids Clothes Does Sleep Exist unspoken challenges of motherhood challenges of new motherhood new mom Challenges of motherhood today

This is not just one of the challenges of new motherhood but is also for both the partners involved. Waking up to wailing and crying sounds become a new normal for the parents. This challenge especially persists in the initial few months of the baby’s birth due to night feeding.


However, it does not end there. Once your babies grow into toddlers, you might wake up to their new problems. A bad dream? Thirsty? Felt someone’s presence? Well, you can expect any of them! Your sleep satisfaction and duration surely take a huge dip which can have detrimental effects on your health.


If you are wondering how to find a balance between raising a baby and sleeping well, read here!

3.   Dynamics of Relationships Change…

Once the baby arrives, new relationships get defined. Motherhood makes women feel special but about the other relationships? You might not find enough time to meet up with your friends and catch up on what is going on in their lives.


Children require constant management and monitoring since parents constantly have to look out for their school functions and competition. You lose that connectivity to your friends and relatives between taking them to practice and attending school meetings.


You might encounter regular clashes with your family members regarding your child. It might be a disagreement about raising children or how to discipline them. In most cases, raising a baby usually means that the mother gets to spend only a little time with her family members, which might increase the communication gap.


It is quite challenging to get back to the pre-baby equilibrium, and if there is no proper guidance, it might lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.


However, do not fret because these days, you can find countless articles on maintaining relationships effectively. By implementing these steps, you might find a balance between your relationships, hopefully!


4.   The Path after Pregnancy

Challenges of motherhood today involve postpartum depression that can severely impact a mother's mental health. Without various taboos revolving around postpartum depression, most mothers do not express their feelings or thoughts to people around them, which can prove to be harmful both for the baby and the mother.


However, as a new mother, you need to understand that it is okay to go through postpartum depression, and there lies a beautiful future for a mother with her baby. You can seek professional support and overcome this phase and look forward to a fulfilling life!


5.   The Test of Patience

Children's Clothes of Highest Quality,Chic And Practical Kids Clothes The Test of Patience unspoken challenges of motherhood challenges of new motherhood new mom Challenges of motherhood today


Children are troublemakers owing to their agile nature. With their curiosity bubbling up, they are eager to explore various things around them. While this is an important trait, sometimes their acts might get onto your nerves. Sometimes, they will end up testing your boundaries and drive you to insanity.


Challenges of motherhood today also involve children trying to be rebellious against the rules you have set. This is when many mothers start to question their parenting skills and feel frustrated. From bearing their tantrums and screaming to facing their guilt-inducing innocent faces, mothers might have to encounter them all, which might be overwhelming at times!


Being patient does not become any easier with children continuously trying to interrupt their mothers in the middle of a conversation because their minds are well agile and unfocused. Sometimes it might be too frustrating for you to watch your children making the same mistake even after warning them! Here are some tips that can help you reach out to your children that can alleviate this problem!


Final Words

Motherhood brings its own set of pros and cons. What is more important is bringing these issues to light. The more the mothers share their thoughts, ideas, and emotions, the better the chances that this journey will be easier.


The initial few days will be the hardest where the reality of having a child sets in, and you start making adjustments to make time for your child. However, remember not to burn yourself out in the process because a healthy and happy mother is equal to a healthy and happy child.


If the need be, make a new schedule, and perform activities that excite you and make you feel happy. Go on dates with your spouse or talk and gossip with your friends, because in the end, these are things that will amplify your life experiences!

]]> 2022-05-07T21:35:40-04:00 2022-05-07T21:35:40-04:00 How to Start an Awesome Mommy group - Everything Explained Jhocely Zambrano Haven’t yet found your dream mommy’s circle? Why not start your own? Get a detailed insight into how to start  mommy group and make it as awesome as you.


Motherhood is ecstatic. But, even though everyone around you joins hands with you to celebrate, not all can understand the ups and downs that come with this novel endeavor. One of the best ways to make yourself feel heard, listen to other's experiences, share your problems, and get pacified is to be a part of a mommy’s group. That allows you to connect with mothers, essentially those who are sharing similar experiences and concerns. If you haven’t yet found a suitable mom’s group in your locality to be a part of, you can always choose to start your own. This way, you will not only get in touch with other mothers but will also provide a platform for many who are looking to socialize. Here are a few steps to follow if you want to start mommy group. But before you hop onto that, you should check out thedatingmavenkids to reinforce your idea of parenting with our amazing blogs. The best part? You can also wade through a whole range of kid's clothes and grab some pretty outfits for your little one!

Select A Niche

Though bringing moms from diverse backgrounds and uniting them through mom group activities can seem exciting, being under one umbrella with like-minded people can be comforting. Therefore, if possible, narrow down the demographic of the mommy support group you are planning to start. The criteria for classification can be the age of their babies, the diet and parenting style they believe in, whether they are working or stay-at-home moms, or if they are fitness freak mommies. Building a group around a particular niche will make every mommy meetup more productive and informative. It is because all mothers with similar dispositions will be able to understand each other well and will navigate into greater depths of their area of interest.

Decide A Time And Spot

Before you start mommy group, you must zero down on the location, time, and frequency of the rendezvous. Places like restaurants, church halls, parks, gymnasiums, or a fellow mommy’s home can be suitable for a mommy meetup. Being specific about the focus of your mommy support group can actually help you find a favorable place. Depending on what your members love to do and the mom group activities you will be organizing once it kickstarts, you can choose the location based on whether it has the facilities to support your requirements. You might start with a fixed spot to add a sense of predictability for the initial members. After gaining enough love and support, you can try a new place every week. Weekly meetups are most preferred since they maintain regularity and keep the members in touch, without disturbing their normal schedule. Make sure to decide the time and place as per your convenience, so that you never miss a mom group appointment.

Set Some Rules

A mom’s group is an amiable place for mothers and babies to come together and have a good time. No matter how much flexibility you want to infuse into your group, a lack of discipline will disrupt the structure of the group in no time. Therefore, it is important that you reach out to the mothers who have joined you to convey the guidelines you want them to stick to. Keep your tone tender, yet express with firmness how strongly you want them to be followed. Specify if you have certain dos and don’ts. Keep your ground rules realistic to make your group welcoming for the members. You can include things like keeping the pets at home, being responsible for their child’s safety, cleaning the mess their toddlers make, keeping the social media groups spam-free, and not sharing others’ pictures without permission. You can also check out different websites to understand better the things mothers are expected to subscribe to, before framing the rules for your own community.

Connect Through An Online Space

Once you have decided to start mommy group and have completed the initial steps, you should inch towards advertising yourself and strengthening the bond with the members you already have. Facebook seems to be the most suitable platform for this very purpose. You can form a closed group where filtering members is possible. Sharing the dates of the meetups, the upcoming events, pictures, and other information is also made easy by a Facebook group. You can scrutinize the requests you get for joining the group. After necessary conversations, you can let the aspiring member in and drive her to a more personal WhatsApp group if you have one. If you are new to the social media game, then you can check here to get an idea about how to proceed with creating your own Facebook group.

Increase Your Visibility

You need to sell yourself a little in order to expand your community. Therefore, do not hesitate to tell more and more people what you are doing. Social media platforms are a great way to promote yourself. Besides, make your friends and family aware of your community so that they can share with their acquaintances who might develop an interest. As you move out, start interacting with new moms you meet at the grocery store, park, or club. Customize a card for your group with your contact details and keep it handy, so that you can pass it on to people after the conversation. If you have associated with a community association, then getting featured in their newsletter can fetch you attention. Otherwise, you can try out some amazing free advertising websites to put yourself out there. However, limit the number of group members so that the community becomes manageable.


The mom’s group you are starting involves children and new mothers. Both of them are trying to adapt to enormous changes in their lives. Therefore, prepare yourself for chaos and setbacks. Not every mommy meetup is going to be perfect. Some days you will see the baggage of the sleep deprivation of the mothers , on other days you will see their personalities clashing and some days will just be about putting up with the cranky babies. Since we have brought babies into the picture, we would like you to navigate to thedatingmavenkids  and check out our kids’ collections. You might just find the best pick for your toddler.

Getting back to our topic, when the participation dampens with time or mothers form subgroups, just know that these are normal and let it go. Focus on what you have and bolster that.  With time, as the project unravels, you will find peace, comfort, and purpose in the community you have created.


]]> 2022-04-22T16:11:49-04:00 2022-10-20T13:44:35-04:00 10 Things You Can Do To Celebrate Earth Day From Home! Jhocely Zambrano More

Today, environmental sustainability is a critical aspect of saving our ailing planet, which is one of the primary reasons why we celebrate Earth Day on 22nd April every year. While you can attend conferences and tree plantation drives there are little changes you can do at home, to pledge your allegiance to Mother Nature!

We, at thedatingmaven, your most trusted trendy kids' clothing brand, have curated the top ten homely earth day celebrations to plan with your kids to instill a love for the environment, from a ripe young age!

1.  Start Gardening

Planting trees is perhaps the best way to celebrate earth day as you can contribute to multiplying the greenery around. If you have enough outdoor space, plant seedlings of flower, fruit, or vegetable-bearing plants to start your very own garden or kitchen backyard. This is also a great activity if you want to get your kids involved in the Earth Day celebrations!

Even if you stay in an apartment, you can have a small garden out on the balcony with hanging pots or potted shrubs. Plants can improve your mood, help reduce air pollution and rejuvenate the soil. You can use advanced self-watering pots, sensor-based smart garden systems, or drip irrigation piping to reduce your time and maintenance efforts.

Check out some tips to garden with children here:

2.  Recycle!

Reduce, reuse and recycle is a must-follow mantra on Earth Day. Start clearing out things you have no use for anymore from the garage, attic, and basement if you are wondering how to celebrate earth day productively.

While sorting out the things, recycle or reuse the old bottles, boxes, or crates. If you have metal waste, tons of papers, and plastics, collect them and send them to a recycling facility instead of throwing them away. 

Explore what other things you can recycle in your home:

3.  You can try some DIY projects

DIY projects can help you upcycle so-called waste items into something creative. Thus, this time celebrate earth day by trying out any DIY project. Your kids and you can make wooden furniture like tables and shelves, vases, or decorative items from paper mache, crochet dolls from old clothes, or wind catchers from jewelry. This will also help you reduce waste generation.

Try out these quirky projects to enhance the creativity of your children:

4.  Switch to biodegradable products

We can't always reuse and recycle everything, which makes waste generation an inevitable part of our routine. Though we can't eliminate waste completely, we can certainly make them biodegradable, so that they do not contaminate our natural resources.

As a part of your homely earth day celebrations, try replacing plastic bottles, polyethylene bags, thermocol products, and synthetic fabric with eco-friendly alternatives like paper or cloth. You can also consider segregating dry, wet, and electronic wastes and discarding them separately for safe disposal.

Learn more about biodegradable materials here:

5.  Install and use eco-friendly appliances

Several electric appliances require a lot of power supply and even contribute to e-waste in landfills when discarded. To highlight the importance of earth day at home, you can vow to use eco-friendly appliances only.

 Start making small changes like opting for solar-based appliances, green cleaning products, low heat emitting appliances, and refrigerators with no CFCs. Even if you can't change the existing ones, you can install noise stabilizers, air filters, or dust collectors to reduce the emissions.

 Check out how to recognize the best eco-friendly appliances:

6.  Save water and electricity

In the current scenario, the world urgently needs sustainable development to conserve dwindling resources like water and fossil fuels. One of the best ways to celebrate earth day at home is to reduce the unnecessary consumption of water and electricity.

 You can install proximity sensors for lights and fans, temperature sensors for motors, heaters, and air coolers, and choose appliances with auto timers. Try to set up a rainwater harvesting system and repair any leaking pipes or bathroom fixtures. Simply being conscious and turning off the lights when you leave the room, can also go a long way!

 Check out more conservation tips to implement today, here:

7.  Prepare organic manure for your garden

If you plan to start gardening or have a garden or backyard already, you can nurture it better with organic manure, instead of opting for chemical fertilizers. It can help replenish soil nutrients, enrich the soil, and help the plants reap healthier fruits.

On this earth day at home, you can prepare your own manure using vegetable peels, eggshells, non-edible seeds, and food waste. Make a compost pit in your garden and collect wet waste for composting them.

Check out this recipe for the best organic manure:

8.  Choose a more plant-based diet

Another way to celebrate earth day is to consider switching to a plant-based or vegan diet. If this is not possible for you, you can consider reducing your meat consumption. 

Reducing meat consumption can help reduce the harmful emissions emitted during meat production and transportation. It can also help reduce the cruel, forceful treatment of animals in the dairy industry and reduce greenhouse gasses produced during food processing.

Try out these lip-smacking vegan recipes, that even your little picky eaters might enjoy:

9.  Keep birdbaths around your house and balconies

Homely earth day celebrations can certainly include your pets and other fauna around you! What else could be more joyful than adopting animals and nurturing them?

You can set up birdbaths with cold water, spread some grains, or set up birdhouses in the nearby trees and your balconies. Try adopting a stray dog or cat to shower them with love, or choose an ethical breeder. You can also feed the stray animals in your neighborhood. A kind gesture goes a long way!

Here’s how you can make your own birdbath:

10.  Clear away the junk around your house

Waste that’s been accumulating around our house doesn't only degrade aesthetics; but also damages the environment. Damp and decaying waste can attract insects and rodents and it can turn into an unhealthy infestation.

It can increase disease-causing bacteria, foul odors, and reduce soil quality. If you are still wondering how to celebrate earth day at home, you can consider cleaning all the waste around your house and lawn. You can easily book waste collectors or commercial cleaning services, who can clean and clear the entire area. Doing so will also help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Check out this guide to clear away your junk in a jiffy!

]]> 2022-04-14T10:26:13-04:00 2022-04-14T11:45:57-04:00 Plant-Based Diet For Kids- Pros and Cons Jhocely Zambrano Choosing a plant-based diet for kids can be healthier than a meat-based diet as there is a lower risk of diseases. But if the plants have low nutrient densities or are grown and processed artificially, it can increase the risk of malnourishment and food-related ailments. Check this article to know if a plant based diet is suitable for your kids.


Good nutrition and food play vital roles in the growth and development of kids. With all the nutrients we require to live a healthy, hearty life you may begin to wonder whether a plant-based diet is sufficient for your kids, as it restricts protein-rich meats. If your family follows a vegan diet, check out if it is actually beneficial.

plant based diet

What should a plant-based diet include?

Before answering the question “is a plant-based diet good for kids”, you should look at what it actually comprises. From a broad perspective, kids need to explore new food groups and get a balanced meal. It should have micro and macronutrients in the right quantities, regardless of the choice of the food items. Thus, the best diet for kids should cover the following aspects.

1.   Add Some Flavor!

Plant-based food doesn't have to be limited to raw fruits and salads. Kids should have adequate quantities of all food groups like nuts and seeds which offer healthy fats, proteins, grains, and legumes to fulfill their nutritional requirements. Not all toddlers and kids may prefer salads or fresh, uncooked veggies. Thus, you should look for grilled, steamed, or sautéed dishes, to add a bit of flavor and texture.
Check out some easy, plant-based recipes here:

2.   Say No to Fried and Processed food

Many parents may give fried potato chips or fruit-flavored cold drinks under the pretext of a plant-based vegan diet. But these carbonated drinks and preservative-loaded foods aren't good sources of nutrients and should be limited to occasional treats.
Check out these healthy, vegan snacks instead:

3.   Have a rainbow meal every time

The best diet for kids is a balanced one. Even though there won't be any beef, chicken, or fish, replace them with a colorful array of veggies, grains, beans, seeds and nuts. More colors and choices can entice your kids to explore available food options and eat more.
Here’s a short guide to home-made vegan food coloring, to make food extra fun:
vegan food

4.   Vegan Supplements are Alright

If your question is - is a plant-based diet good for kids, it isn't so for everyone. If your kid is a picky eater, has a weak physique, or has health issues, you can consult a pediatrician and opt for multivitamin supplements. There are many vegan supplements available that are safe for kids.
Listed below are some vital supplements for vegans:

Benefits of a plant-based diet

The nutrition offered by a plant-based diet for kids depends on the food groups you chose and the ones your kid favors. The following factors highlight why a vegan diet could be a great choice.

1.   It lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases

A diet that includes meat contains plenty of unhealthy fats, complex animal proteins, and animal enzymes which can be hard for humans to digest. Kids can develop cardiovascular diseases or other chronic conditions if they consume an excessive amount of meat in the long run. A vegan diet, in contrast, doesn't have these complexities and is safe for all age groups.
Explore more about veganism and cardiovascular diseases here:

2.   Diet is full of phytonutrients

Plants are rich in phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Along with other micronutrients, they help in building good immunity. Plants have an array of natural health boosters and immunity enhancers that can keep diseases at bay!
Explore more about phytonutrients here:

3.   There are countless varieties and alternatives

Meat is a protein source, and fish is good for omega-3 fatty acids, but there are unlimited plant products that you can choose from for various nutrients. Your kids don't have to stick to a single variety and can explore different tastes and cuisines to develop their palate.
Check out the vegan sources of various nutrients here:
nutrition food

4.   Keeps obesity in check

The high amount of saturated fats in animal-based products could increase the risk of obesity. Plant food is thus the best diet for kids, as it contains no complex fats and is easy to digest. These fiber-rich products keep their gut healthy and their metabolism high.
Here are some medical facts about saturated fats:

5.   It is a sustainable choice

Most ruminants (cows and goats) release greenhouse gasses while digesting grass and plants. Meat processing and transportation also contribute immensely to the generation of greenhouse gasses. Opting for a vegan diet is therefore a sustainable, eco-friendly option. You’ll be doing something for mother Earth!
Check out this chart on carbon footprints of different diets:

Drawbacks you should look for!

If the above advantages prove that a vegan diet is the best diet for kids, check out the following drawbacks you should keep in mind.

1.   Processed foods can harm the digestive system

Not all plant-based foods are good, especially if they contain GMO products, preservatives, or heavy fertilizers. These toxins can damage internal organs, lead to chronic diseases and even cause food poisoning, which can be dangerous sometimes.
Here’s a list of plant-based ingredients to avoid:

2.   Meals can lack essential vitamins and minerals

The density of micronutrients is lower in plant-based foods as compared to its alternative. For example, 100 grams of quinoa has only 4 grams of protein, but 100 grams of beef contains 30 grams of protein. Similarly, chicken and fish products contain more vitamins, fats, and healthy carbs than plant-based products, which usually have more water content and glucose.
Check out how much of a particular nutrient vegans need, here:

3.   Picky Eaters and Kids with Allergies can develop food eating disorders

Parents planning to adopt a vegan diet for their kids' nutrition should keep an eye on them, especially if they’re picky eaters or have known food allergies. These groups of kids can develop food aversion, fall prey to malnutrition, and may not have enough energy, as compared to other children their age.
Check out these vegan recipes for picky eaters:
vegan recipes

4.   Kids might have to depend on external supplements

If you are unable to include a good variety of fruits, vegetables, and plant proteins, or if your kid has allergies, they may have to depend on supplements right from a young age. While they can be suitable for many kids, they may not be as effective as natural nutrient sources.
Check out if supplements are safe for kids, here:
Many parents are switching to a plant-based diet for their kids, because of the plentiful benefits it offers, like reduced health risks and a lower carbon footprint. On the other hand, a vegan diet for kids has its cons too, including nutritional deficiencies. Discuss and think about these pros and cons before you make the final decision.

]]> 2022-03-21T10:05:57-04:00 2022-03-21T10:05:57-04:00 LET’S TALK ABOUT CHALLENGES OF STAY-AT-HOME MOMS Urna Biswas Motherhood is one of the most magical experiences a woman can have, but it can also be difficult at times. Here we take a closer look at some challenges faced by stay-at-home moms.


Moms come in all shapes, forms and sizes, don’t they? Some go to work, some are running their own businesses, others are stay-at-home mothers. But there’s one thing they all have in common – the overwhelming love they have for their precious children.

Like all other mothers, stay-at-home moms are faced with various challenges. They have a lot of responsibility at home and they need to work hard to maintain their role as the primary caregiver. They have to juggle between parenting and household chores. They have to manage their time well in order to take care of their kids and themselves.

At thedatingmaven, your favorite children’s clothing online store, we know that all you stay-at-home supermoms tackle a bunch of challenges every day! Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones.



As a stay-at-home mom, it can be a juggling act to balance family and work. After all, your job isn’t limited to just being a full-time homemaker and caregiver. It can also include being a part-time worker, assistant, advisor, and manager.

The good news is that there are many ways that you can balance family and work. Use time-saving hacks, like ordering your groceries and other necessities online; this helps save time and also ensures that you don’t forget anything. There are a ton of useful planners, apps, and other resources available online to keep track of your endless to-dos and ease some of your mental strain. 

Make the time that you spend with your family really count. Plan fun activities like a picnic or game night, that everyone will look forward to and enjoy. Focus on them rather than your phone or the TV to ensure that the time spent together is meaningful and intentional. 

Here are some useful organizer apps that will make family-work balance a breeze: 



Staying at home and looking after the kids is no cakewalk and we know it! Recent studies show that stay-at-home mothers are prone to depression, anxiety and physical health problems.

Maintaining your health as a stay-at-home mom can be tough if you’re not careful about what you eat, how much you exercise or how often you take care of yourself. This is because it does not involve a lot of physical activity and can lead to weight gain, stress and other health-related issues.

As with everything else, planning is the key here. Make a weekly schedule for days and times when you plan to get some sort of exercise, write down healthy meal plans and make food grocery lists. You’ll find it easier to stay committed to your healthy mom goals when they’re down on paper.

One of the best ways to get healthier in terms of food is to eat more superfoods. Have a list of superfoods on your refrigerator and make sure you eat each of them at least once a week. Talk to your doctor and have then draw up a schedule of regular health check-ups for you so it can be one less thing you have to remember.

Exercise can be the hardest thing to fit in when you’re a stay-at-home mom. A great motivator is to have another stay-at-home mom as your workout buddy. Having someone who’s in your own shoes motivating you and doing the same for her can work wonders when you feel too drained to go for that run or pop in that Pilates DVD!

Check out this great article on looking after your own health as a mom:



Do you sometimes feel like your universe has shrunk to the four walls of your house and that you’re totally disconnected from the rest of the world? You’re not alone.

The feeling of isolation is a common thing for stay-at-home moms. You often feel distanced from the world and your friends because you don’t go out and work, and end up spending much of your time at home. The feeling of isolation can be a challenge to your mental health, so it's important to find ways to keep in touch with the outside world.

One way is by joining online communities where you can chat with other mothers about anything, from babies to postpartum stress to cooking. Knowing that other mothers out there are going through the same thing as you can be incredibly comforting. Schedule regular catch-ups or phone conversations with your mom or bestie – a heart-to-heart over steaming cups of coffee is the best therapy!

Read more about why moms often feel lonely and how to tackle it at: 



If you were a financially independent working woman before choosing to be a hands-on mom, you might find that finances are a frequent challenge. Budgeting, cutting corners and having to think twice before every expenditure can be tough. A shopping trip for yourself may well turn into a guilt trip.

A recent study found that stay-at-home mothers are more likely to be in financial straits than working mothers. (

The reason behind this is that they usually have lower income than working mothers and spend more on childcare. Stay-at-home moms also do not have access to benefits such as paid sick days and paid vacation days that are offered to full time employees.

To manage your family finances, it is essential to have a full understanding of your family income and expenditure. First of all, sit down with your partner and do an expense check. What are your family’s essential and non-essential expenses? With online shopping, are you ending up spending more than you actually need? Decide on a limit for the monthly amount you are comfortable spending for different categories like clothes, shopping and eating out. There are some excellent expense planners and financial checklists available online that you can put to use. Plan for contingencies by keeping 6 months of expenses as an emergency fund. Have all your financial instruments in joint names for easier operation.

This excellent article talks in detail about financial planning for stay-at-home moms: 



Time! The one thing you never have enough of, isn’t it? And when it comes to time for yourself, it seems like a distant dream.

Taking time for yourself as a mother can be hard because you might feel guilty and like you are not doing enough. But it is important to remember that taking this time out will help you be more productive in the long run, and make sure that you don’t burn out.

Me time is extremely important, not just for you, but for your loved ones too. If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it will reflect on your health and demeanor when you are around your family. Kids are highly sensitive to their parents’ moods, and will instantly pick up on and be affected by any negative vibes.

When planning your daily schedule, pencil in some alone time, be it a half hour or just 10 minutes. This is time free from chores, kids or housework, that is just for you. Do whatever destresses you – catch up on your reading, have a relaxing bath, go for a quick jog, or just plug in those headphones and boogie all the stress away!

Check out thedatingmaven’s earlier blog on practicing self-love as a mother: 


There are many challenges that come with being a stay-at-home mom, but there are also many rewards. The most important thing is to remember that it's okay if you don't have all the answers or if things don't go according to plan. As we know at thedatingmaven, your top choice for best kids’ fashion clothes, there's no one way of being a great mom, so just do what feels right for you and your family.

With the right mindset and approach, you can be the best stay-at-home mom ever!

Sending love from Be Kind blogs. Happy reading.

]]> 2022-03-07T06:28:35-05:00 2022-03-22T02:35:55-04:00 5 WAYS TO RAISE EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY CHILDREN Urna Biswas Just as we parents are concerned about our kids’ physical health, it’s important to look after their emotional health too. Here are our top 5 suggestions on how you can raise emotionally healthy daughters and sons.


As parents, we know that nothing makes you happier than seeing big smiles on the faces of your little ones. That’s why raising emotionally healthy children is so important.

A child's emotional health is the foundation for their future happiness. It’s important for parents to teach their children emotional health because they are not born with it, and it is something that they will need in order to thrive as adults. Good emotional health will help your child to have a positive outlook on life and be more confident and successful.

From thedatingmaven, your best-loved trendy kids’ clothing brand, here are our top 5 tips on how you can raise emotionally healthy daughters and sons.

Learn more about the importance of children’s emotional health at: 


It is important for parents to spend quality time with their children to ensure healthy emotional development. Spending quality time with your little one can have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

Kids are more likely to be healthy and well-adjusted when they spend quality time with their parents. Studies have shown that children who had more parental involvement in their lives showed improved social skills and better school performance.

This time should be spent in a way that you and your kiddo can have a good time together. Block out some ‘Us’ time and take turns choosing activities to do. Make dinner, help your kid with their school project, watch a favorite movie, or go on a hike. Whatever activity you choose, just do it together, undistracted. Learn about their interests, help them develop skills, and have fun!

Here are some cool ways to spend quality time with your kiddo: 



To raise an emotionally healthy child, it’s very important for you to connect emotionally with your little darling. The emotional connection helps your child feel loved and cared for and it also helps you to be more involved in their life.

When you connect with your child on an emotional level, it's not just about showing them love but also about understanding their needs. It helps in teaching your kid how to deal with their emotions and how to express themselves. This will enable them to grow into well-adjusted, contented adults.

Attempt to understand what your child is feeling. Ask about what happened during their day and how they felt about it. You can also share your own emotions and talk about them. This will help them deal with and sort through their own emotions as they grow up.

Check out these tips on how you can emotionally connect with your little sweetheart: 



Negative emotions are a part of life. So, it’s important to teach your child how to handle them in a healthy way so they grow up into an emotionally stable adult.

Children need to be taught how to handle defeat, deal with conflict or be angry in a healthy way. Children who are taught these skills early are better able to handle negative feelings as adults. This can also help them avoid toxic situations and handle difficult people.

Your little one should know that it’s okay to feel negative emotions like anxiety, disappointment, anger etc, and that it’s possible for them to get through these feelings by open communication.

If your kid is feeling strongly about something, talk about the feeling and what might have triggered it. Help them find a healthy way of expressing their feelings. Also, tell your child that you love them no matter what they do or feel.

This great article talks more about teaching your kid to handle emotions: 



A lot of your child’s emotional health depends on what they are exposed to in their regular environment. As a parent, it’s vital that you keep tabs on what your little one is watching and experiencing.

When you know what your child might be exposed to on a daily basis, you can make informed decisions about how best to protect them from harmful content. In this digital age, there is a lot of content that is available to children. Parents should be aware of what their child is being exposed to and should monitor them while they are on the internet.

Monitor what kind of TV shows and movies your child watches, what music they listen to, what games they play, who their friends are, and what they’re reading online. This way you can make sure that they are not being exposed to content that is not appropriate for them.

You should also talk with your child about what they have been exposed to and ask them questions about it. This will help you figure out if there's anything that you need to worry about or if there is anything that needs more attention from you as parents.

Here are some excellent parental monitoring apps that you can try out:,review-2258.html 



Children are highly attuned to their parents' moods. So, it’s important to model healthy emotional behavior for them if you want them growing up emotionally healthy and happy.

In order to model healthy emotional behavior, you need to be aware of your own emotions and how they affect you. If you are anxious or upset, putting on a brave face or denying your frustrations will never fully mask what you are feeling, and these feelings, which your kiddo will undoubtedly perceive, are sure to impact them.

Thus, taking care of our own mental health is a key factor in helping our children feel happy. Show your little one that it is okay to express emotions, and that it’s better to express themselves and talk about their feelings rather than bottling them up. By managing your own emotions in a positive way, your kid will learn to do so as well.

Learn more about modeling positive behavior for your kid at: 


Children are the future of our world. They are our hope for a better tomorrow. That is why it is important to make sure that they have a healthy and happy childhood.

Raising emotionally healthy children is about more than just keeping them from getting hurt. It's about teaching them how to be resilient and handle the tough times that life throws at us.

By creating a positive atmosphere for your child where everyone feels respected, accepted, and secure, you can be assured that you are raising emotionally healthy and high-achieving daughters and sons. From all of us thedatingmaven, your favorite trendy children’s clothing brand, a shoutout to you wonderful parents – you’re doing a great job!

Sending love from Be Kind blogs. Happy reading.

]]> 2022-02-21T00:00:04-05:00 2022-03-22T02:37:52-04:00 HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR CHILD USING LOVE LANGUAGES Urna Biswas At times, it can feel difficult to get through to your children. But by learning to speak your kid’s personal love language, communicating becomes simple and beautiful. Read more about how to connect with your child using love languages.


Love is a universal language, understood by all living things the world over. Each one of us has our own unique way of conveying and showing our love. Love languages are one such expression of affection.

As a parent, understanding your child's special love language can help you connect with them better and show them that you care. This can be especially important for children who have special needs or are struggling with any issues.

At thedatingmaven, your favorite toddler clothes online boutique, we know that showing your child you love them is the most important thing for you, and love languages are a great way to do that. So, let’s delve a little deeper and learn how you can connect with your little darling using love languages! 



Love languages are the ways people express and experience love. It is a way to express your feelings and thoughts in a language that they understand. These languages are not limited to romantic love, but can include familial love, friendship, and even self-love.

The concept of love languages was introduced by Gary Chapman in his book "The 5 Love Languages." He says that there are basically five main ways or languages in which people uniquely communicate love to one another. We all communicate on some level using all five languages, but Chapman believes that we each have one primary language that’s stronger than all the others. That is our love language.

Learn more about love languages at: 



It’s incredibly important for your child to feel a clear and tangible expression of your love. And the best way to do this is by showing them love in their own love language, the one that works best for them.

Identifying your child’s love language can help you find small but vital ways to show them affection in a personalized manner. This helps you build a closer bond with them as well as lay a strong foundation for your child to grow up to be a happy, confident and well-adjusted adult.

This excellent article talks in further detail about the love languages of children: 



Now that we have an idea about love languages in general, let’s take a closer look at the 5 Love Languages.



Children who have physical touch as their primary love language adore getting lots of hugs and kisses. They love cuddling up to Mom or Dad, and they also enjoy physical games like racing or wrestling.

How to connect with your child through physical touch:

  •   Snuggle up together and read a book or watch a movie
  •   Always tuck your kiddo into bed, and have some cosy cuddle time when they wake up
  •   Give your child piggyback or shoulder rides often
  •   Be generous with those big lingering bearhugs
  •   Hold hands and give plenty of high-fives and fist bumps

Check out this video to know more about Physical Touch: 




These kids are greatly motivated by words of encouragement – praise and compliments are what they feed off. They bloom well with validation and positivity. They are also very sensitive to criticism and are more affected by stern verbal admonishments.

How to connect with your child through words of affirmation:

  •   Use positive and encouraging words whenever you interact with them
  •   Make it a point to mention and talk about their efforts and achievements
  •   Praise them in front of friends and family
  •   Say “I love you” often, put notes in their lunchboxes or leave love notes around the house for them to find
  •   Avoid criticism and offer gentle guidance and advice when your kid makes a mistake

Here’s an informative video about Words of Affirmation: 




Children who have quality time as their primary love language enjoy doing activities with you, like playing board games or watching movies. These kids feel most valued when you choose to spend time with them, and they appreciate your undivided attention most of all.

How to connect with your child through quality time:

  •   Play a lot with your little one – have kiddie tea parties, play with blocks or racing cars, or have a picnic in their play fort
  •   Let your kid do everyday household chores with you, like folding laundry or cooking a meal
  •   Schedule a date day and let your child pick an activity to do together
  •   Have pillow time every night and talk about their day
  •   Keep a shared journal together

Learn more about Quality Time in this cool video: 





For these children, love is conveyed through the act of gift giving and receiving. These kids perceive getting a gift as a special moment, where the gifts are an extension of your love for them. For them, gifts are a symbol of love, to be valued and treasured for what they represent.

How to connect with your child through gifts:

  •   Give unique and meaningful gifts like planting a sapling together in your garden
  •   Bring them personal mementos, like a cool rock or a pretty leaf you found when you were out, that lets them know you were thinking of them
  •   Give them gifts with a deeper meaning or significance such as a personalized journal or a piece of jewelry
  •   Gift them some quality stationery so they can express their appreciation for the presents they receive
  •   Create a special space for them to store their gifts and help them decorate and personalize it

Check out this excellent video about Gifts:  




Children who have acts of service as their primary love language are happy when people do nice things for them. They appreciate thoughtful gestures and enjoy seeing you involved in their activities and projects.

How to connect with your child through acts of service:

  •   Prepare your child’s favorite meal as a surprise
  •   Help them with small tasks like cleaning their room or doing a school assignment
  •   Give your kid special responsibilities that they particularly enjoy doing, like watering the plants
  •   Surprise your child by doing a chore that they were supposed to do
  •   Let your little one help anytime they want and let them know you appreciate their assistance

This great video talks more about Acts of Service:  




Learning the love language of your child can help strengthen and reinforce your relationship with them. Here are some easy ways to discover your child’s love language.

  •   Try using the different love languages one by one and make a note of how your little one reacts to each of them
  •   Talk to your child about love and what makes them feel cherished the most
  •   Use role play with stuffed animals to observe how your little darling sees love
  •   Note how your kid expresses their love for you to get clues on how they want to receive love

Remember that most people have one primary love language and one secondary love language. So, it’s likely that you may discover characteristics from two or more categories.

Here’s a cool quiz that anyone can take to discover their own unique love language! 


Ultimately parenthood is a project in meeting a child’s need for love. When we fulfill our little one’s emotional needs by speaking their love language, we can be assured that we’re setting them up for success.

Stay tuned in to what your child’s behaviors and reactions tell you about the type of love they need, and there’s no doubt that you’ll continue to connect and reconnect as they grow. From all of us at thedatingmaven, your top choice for best kids’ fashion clothes, we hope that love keeps blooming in your lives!

Sending love from Be Kind blogs. Happy reading.

]]> 2022-02-08T00:00:03-05:00 2022-02-09T01:48:03-05:00 10 fun family date night ideas Urna Biswas Valentine’s Day is traditionally celebrated as a day of romance, but it can be a whole lot of fun to celebrate with your family too! Here are our top ideas to inspire you for a spectacular V-day family fun night.


“If you want to bring happiness to the world, go home and love your family.”
       -   Mother Teresa


Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love, and what better way to do that than with your family? It’s the perfect occasion to spend some quality time with your loved ones.

There are many ways to make Valentine’s Day special for your family. You can make them feel cherished by giving them cards, making their favorite dishes, or doing an activity together like playing games or watching movies.

From thedatingmaven, your favorite trendy children’s clothing brand, here’s a list of 10 super fun Valentine's Day activities for your family that will help you celebrate this special day together.



Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to teach your little sugarplum about love for those special people in their life — family, friends, classmates, etc. Reading books about love, friendship and affection is an excellent way to do that.

Head to your library or local bookstore and ask for some cool V-day recommendations for kids. Get cozy with your kiddo, grab some steaming cups of chocolate, and read these special tales of love together. You can even come up with craft projects around especially well-loved books!

Start off with this great list of V-day books for children: 



This is one of our favorite Valentine’s Day activities. Take a look at what’s inside your family’s heart by making some lovely heart maps together.

Create heart templates on white paper and hand them around to everyone in the family. Now let each person write and sketch about treasured times, precious moments, and wonderful memories they have of their family members. After everyone is done, you can take turns reading out your heart maps and bonding over those heart-warming family times!

Find out more about how to create a heart map here: 



This Valentine’s Day, take your festivities to the next level by cooking up some special V-day treats with the whole family!

Go for a special love-themed brekkie with heart-shaped pancakes or strawberry oatmeal bars. Or unleash your inner master bakers with some yummy bakes – think peanut butter heart cookies and red velvet cupcakes. Your little helpers will adore stirring, mixing and frosting – and of course, gobbling the scrumptious goodies once you’re done!

Here are some great recipes your little chef can whip up in no time: 



Looking for a super engaging activity for the day of love and hearts? Voila, your “hunt” is over – just plan a scavenger hunt!

Scavenger hunts are always a firm favorite with everyone. It’s such a fun way to bring the whole family together for a fast-paced, exciting activity.

Make this day of love all the more entertaining by surprising your kiddos with a supercool Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt complete with clues, riddles, and best of all, an exciting prize at the end! Although you moms know that the real prize is getting to spend time together as a family, right?

Here are some cool V-day scavenger hunt ideas to start you off: 



Love to click family pics? You don’t need a professional to take fancy photos of your family for Valentine’s Day. Just put your heads together, get everyone to dress up with their red or pink best, and have the most fun V-day family photo shoot!

Put up a festive backdrop in red, pink or hearts. You can use sheets, blankets or curtains. Scatter around some fun props, such as a chalkboard with love messages, balloons, roses or streamers. Help your kids to design some cute lovey-dovey signs to hold up. Dress your little one up in a cool ruffle top or bomber jacket from our latest thedatingmaven collection, strike a pose and get clicking!

Check out these great ideas for V-day family photoshoots: 



Making crafts is always a popular activity for children. This Valentine’s Day, give in to your creative side as a family and get down to making some fun V-day cards together!

Set out pink and red craft paper, glitter, markers, stickers and whatever else your kids want, and design away to your heart’s content. A great way to teach your kids about sharing love is to design cards for less fortunate people around. Take your cards to the local charity, or distribute them to elderly neighbors living alone. Their delighted smiles will be the best gift for you this V-day.

Your family will love these fun and easy Valentine card ideas:




We know that Valentine’s Day is usually all about roses, candy and cute gifts. This year, how about getting your heart pumping with a round of rousing games with your family?

Young or old, we’re sure everyone will be up for these delightful love-themed games. Put a Valentine’s Day twist on old favorites like Pin the Heart on Cupid or Musical Hearts, or come up with your own fun games to play.  And for prizes, it’s got to be heart-shaped candy, of course!

We love these cool V-day game ideas and you will too! 


Who doesn’t love a good dance party? Everyone, right? And Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for the whole family to put on their dancing shoes and find your special rhythm together!

Set up a playlist with all the family favorites. You can play classic dance games like musical chairs and freeze dance, or have just a free-for-all dance party. Or take this opportunity to teach your little ones some moves! Pull up a couple of YouTube videos and teach them your favorite classic dance styles, like slow dancing, the two-step, and the waltz.

Here’s a cool V-day playlist to get the party started: 



Valentine’s Day is all about getting into that lovey-dovey mood, isn’t it? And what better way to get the mood right than having a good old V-day movie marathon!

Count down to the day by having everyone vote for their top favorite Valentine’s Day flick. You can't go wrong with the old-school favs like Princess Bride or Lady and the Tramp. Or be adventurous and go for the latest popular V-day releases. Pull the drapes, grab some candy, and snuggle down together for a delightful night of family movie fun!

These are some of our best-loved Valentine’s Day movies: 



We admit it – Valentine's Day and chocolate are a match made in heaven. So how about a family cooking spree where you whip up some chocolatey goodness together?

Cooking is a wonderful way to bond with your little one and reconnect as a family. Turn off the gadgets, turn on some background melodies, and go for all things chocolate! Think melting hot chocolate, nibbly choco chip cookies, velvety chocolate icing on cupcakes, voluptuous chocolate-covered strawberries… the list is endless. Are you drooling? Because we sure are!

Check out these delectable chocolate treat recipes that are a breeze to make: 


Whatever the occasion, spending time with your family is all about sharing, giving and feeling love. And Valentine’s Day is the best time to do that, isn’t it? So give these ideas a try, and don’t forget to check out our previous thedatingmaven blog for more cool V-day kiddie activities:

This V-Day, we at thedatingmaven, your go-to for kids’ clothing online shopping, hope you have a day filled with laughter, joy and love, and add to that ever-expanding bank of precious memories with your family!
