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The Unspoken Challenges Of Motherhood- Let’s get real

The Unspoken Challenges Of Motherhood- Let’s get real

Urna Biswas June 09, 2022

thedatingmaven Kids, Parenting Blog, unspoken challenges of motherhood

Most mothers reflect on the glory and the beauty of motherhood, and while it truly is a beautiful phase of life, many stories are filtered to mask the challenges of new motherhood. Motherhood is a 24/7 responsibility that changes people's lives in myriads of ways. Of course, it is an exciting phase where mothers plan what clothes to buy, what toys their babies would prefer, and various other things. If you are confused about where to buy trendy apparel for your kids, thedatingmaven is your go-to!


Getting back to the challenges, we only rarely hear about the struggles, which makes it all the more important to bring the unspoken challenges of motherhood into the light. This not only helps a new mom understand her life ahead of pregnancy but also helps her realize that she is not alone in this journey.


So what are you waiting for? Get ready to find out what unfiltered motherhood feels like in this article!

1.   Your Life = Kids

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Whether a new mom admits it or not, the birth of your baby causes an enormous change in your priorities. Your baby ends up becoming the center of your universe. This phase does not end when your children cross the toddler stage, in fact, it continues until your children reach their adolescence and become self-independent. It is especially challenging to set boundaries because your baby does not understand boundaries.


Mothers often end up prioritizing their kids' needs over their own. You might have planned a relaxing vacation; however, a sudden school event might force you to bail out on your plans so that you can take your child for event practice. This often creates an identity crisis because a mother's life gets intertwined with her kid. So, is there any separate identity for her? If you want to rediscover your identity, you can read this article!





2.   Does Sleep Exist?

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This is not just one of the challenges of new motherhood but is also for both the partners involved. Waking up to wailing and crying sounds become a new normal for the parents. This challenge especially persists in the initial few months of the baby’s birth due to night feeding.


However, it does not end there. Once your babies grow into toddlers, you might wake up to their new problems. A bad dream? Thirsty? Felt someone’s presence? Well, you can expect any of them! Your sleep satisfaction and duration surely take a huge dip which can have detrimental effects on your health.


If you are wondering how to find a balance between raising a baby and sleeping well, read here!

3.   Dynamics of Relationships Change…

Once the baby arrives, new relationships get defined. Motherhood makes women feel special but about the other relationships? You might not find enough time to meet up with your friends and catch up on what is going on in their lives.


Children require constant management and monitoring since parents constantly have to look out for their school functions and competition. You lose that connectivity to your friends and relatives between taking them to practice and attending school meetings.


You might encounter regular clashes with your family members regarding your child. It might be a disagreement about raising children or how to discipline them. In most cases, raising a baby usually means that the mother gets to spend only a little time with her family members, which might increase the communication gap.


It is quite challenging to get back to the pre-baby equilibrium, and if there is no proper guidance, it might lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.


However, do not fret because these days, you can find countless articles on maintaining relationships effectively. By implementing these steps, you might find a balance between your relationships, hopefully!


4.   The Path after Pregnancy

Challenges of motherhood today involve postpartum depression that can severely impact a mother's mental health. Without various taboos revolving around postpartum depression, most mothers do not express their feelings or thoughts to people around them, which can prove to be harmful both for the baby and the mother.


However, as a new mother, you need to understand that it is okay to go through postpartum depression, and there lies a beautiful future for a mother with her baby. You can seek professional support and overcome this phase and look forward to a fulfilling life!


5.   The Test of Patience

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Children are troublemakers owing to their agile nature. With their curiosity bubbling up, they are eager to explore various things around them. While this is an important trait, sometimes their acts might get onto your nerves. Sometimes, they will end up testing your boundaries and drive you to insanity.


Challenges of motherhood today also involve children trying to be rebellious against the rules you have set. This is when many mothers start to question their parenting skills and feel frustrated. From bearing their tantrums and screaming to facing their guilt-inducing innocent faces, mothers might have to encounter them all, which might be overwhelming at times!


Being patient does not become any easier with children continuously trying to interrupt their mothers in the middle of a conversation because their minds are well agile and unfocused. Sometimes it might be too frustrating for you to watch your children making the same mistake even after warning them! Here are some tips that can help you reach out to your children that can alleviate this problem!


Final Words

Motherhood brings its own set of pros and cons. What is more important is bringing these issues to light. The more the mothers share their thoughts, ideas, and emotions, the better the chances that this journey will be easier.


The initial few days will be the hardest where the reality of having a child sets in, and you start making adjustments to make time for your child. However, remember not to burn yourself out in the process because a healthy and happy mother is equal to a healthy and happy child.


If the need be, make a new schedule, and perform activities that excite you and make you feel happy. Go on dates with your spouse or talk and gossip with your friends, because in the end, these are things that will amplify your life experiences!

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