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Fun 4th of July Facts to Share with Kids

Fun 4th of July Facts to Share with Kids

Urna Biswas July 02, 2021

The 4th of July is just around the corner, and we hope you’re gearing up for parades, picnics, and fireworks! Alongside the festivities, it’s also important to teach our little ones the significance of this very special day.

The history behind America's independence has many interesting facets that our kiddos would love to learn about for their upcoming day off school. At thedatingmaven, your favorite toddler clothes online boutique, we've got you covered with a list of fun 4th of July facts that you can share with them. After the fireworks are over, these will be something to remember!

Check out these super creative 4th of July activities for kids. We adore the cool 4th of July hairdos!





So why do we celebrate the 4th of July? Let’s take a look!

Also called Independence Day, the 4th of July marks the historic date in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress. The written declaration gave freedom to all who lived in the United States, making our great country an independent nation.

Do you know who got to hear the Declaration of Independence first? The Historic document was first read to the public in Philadelphia, where it was celebrated with bells that rang all night long!

Teach your toddler more about this momentous day at:






The 4th of July without fireworks? Unthinkable, right!!

Research shows that Americans spend more than $1 billion on fireworks annually! On Independence Day, there are countless public fireworks displays across the country. But did you know which display is the biggest of them all?

The largest fireworks display in the US takes place in New York City. This famous Macy’s fireworks show uses more than 75,000 fireworks shells and costs about $6 million!

Lots of other cities host exciting fireworks shows, too, like Boston, Nashville, and Washington, D.C.

Check out some of the best fireworks displays in USA at: 





There are few things as supremely Americana's Lady Liberty, are we right? But not many people know that the official name of this iconic monument is actually “Liberty Enlightening the World.”

The Statue of Liberty is America’s symbol of freedom. The torch represents enlightenment, lighting the path to liberty and freedom. It was designed by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi for the centennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence.

Here’s an interesting factoid - the tablet that the Statue of Liberty is holding has the date July 4, 1776 engraved on it.

Take a look at these other fascinating Lady Liberty facts at:






Parades are an intrinsic part of 4th of July, aren’t they! But did you know that the first ever 4th of July parade was held in Bristol, Rhode Island?

Yes –Bristol's Independence Day festivities date back to 1785, when it was a much smaller affair with less than two attendees!

Today, the town's 4th of July celebration kicks off on Flag Day (June 14), with numerous local events leading up to the Independence Day parade. The parade itself is a gala affair, stretching a whopping 2.5 miles through the town, and including a Miss and Little Fourth of July pageant.

Where are some of America’s best 4th of July parades held? Find out here:





Did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of America? However, he was overruled by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who recommended the bald eagle.

  • Every 4th of July the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped (not actually rung) 13 times in honor of the original 13 colonies. The Liberty Bell weighs 2080 pounds!
  • Barbecue is big on the 4th of July. Around 700 million pounds of chicken and 150 million hot dogs are wolfed down on this day. According to the National Sausage and Hot Dog Council (NHDSC), that's enough hot dogs to stretch from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles more than 5 times!
  • How many of you know that the Declaration of Independence was written on a laptop? Okay, it wasn’t a modern laptop, but close! Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on a writing desk that could fit over one's lap. At the time, this device was referred to as a "laptop."

Check out these unique 4th of July celebrations in the USA:


The 4th of July is an important date on the American calendar, and it deserves to be celebrated. It is a day where we remember those who fought for our freedom and democracy, and about the journey that led us to this moment in history. And an important part of this remembrance is passing our history on to our children.

So, as you relax and enjoy the holidays, take a moment to share these interesting anecdotes – and a dose of history – with your little ones.

From all of us at thedatingmaven, your go-to for the best kids’ fashion clothes, we wish you a very Happy 4th of July!

Sending love from Be Kind blogs. Happy reading.


Reading Time

5 mins

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