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Art Canvas

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Hrid Biswas August 14, 2020

“Art is as natural as SUNSHINE and as vital as NOURISHMENT”

 – MaryAnn F. Kohl

Creativity has no boundaries and art is a journey of a free soul. Art is at its finest when it’s created out of a child’s innocence. Various visual art forms have proven to help children develop cognitive, personal, and social skills and an amazing confidence booster as they move forward in life. It is important to keep kids mentally, emotionally, and physically active in our current situation especially when they are away from school and disconnected from their social lives. Did you know their gentle brush stroke on a canvas can act as a masterstroke in their life? 


What you imagine, can be real!

Art is magical. It does wonders when it comes to a child’s development. It lets children turn their imaginations into reality. Art & crafts can make your child fly, swim, row, climb mountains, and even reach the sky. It allows your child’s innovations to fly high, giving them the power to be anything they want to be. It speaks of a child’s dream and desires as art always comes with an underlying story to tell. There is a famous saying, “Every child is an artist.” Help your little artists speak their hearts out through the creative path of art. Here are some fun art forms that will keep them happy, excited, and engaged while they are at home during the pandemic.                                                  

Folding is fun

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Origami: It is not just merely folding a piece of paper, it has a different value altogether. Originating from Japan, this form of art gives your child educational and social values. Origami empowers a child to create something out of nothing but just a simple piece of paper. This fills a child's confidence, boosts self-esteem, and creates a sense of achievement that empowers them. It’s not just creative, it's fun. One of the simplest forms of art yet one of the best to let your child take a walk down their world of imagination.


Do the Doodle

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Doodling: What are doodles? Nothings but scribbles filled with imaginations. Children can create their own sweet world just by doodling. Imaginations, wishes – doodles speak of everything. The best part is, doodling is one of the best forms of art for the brain. It builds memory power. It helps the brain to stay alert for a longer period, improving their logical, analytical, and rational thinking. It helps them focus, concentration, and reason better. This is undoubtedly a superb form of art that you can engage your child in.


Magical Fingers

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Finger Painting: Paintings speak. A picture is a reflection of a child’s mind. Finger painting is simple yet intriguing. It is an open canvas to express what’s on your mind. The use of colours enhances the chances of reading your child’s psychology better. It even tells you a lot about their mood. It builds their non-verbal communication skills and improves their sensory experience. It is therapeutic in nature creating a sense of calm. Ready to dip those little fingers in a bucket full of magical colors?


Play with Clay

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Sculpting: The oldest form of 3D art. The hand-eye coordination is a neurological process where the visual input provided by the eye is used to guide the hands in performing a task. Imaginations come alive through sculpting. It is considered one of the strongest art forms. The hand-eye coordination helps in improving your child’s agility, athleticism, and handwriting. Let your child play with clay and mold their thoughts. Molding clay will unknowingly improve your child’s problem solving and planning skills. Constructing shapes is an effective way of communication as well. It is always easier to play clay.


Cut, paste and tell a story

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Pop Art: This form of art involves collecting little things like buttons, leaves, cut-outs of product labels, images of movie stars, comic characters, fictional characters, fabric, newspaper cuttings, etc, and creating something absolutely new. This helps them innovate more and think outside the box to do the unconventional. It enhances their imagination which gives them a unique perspective to look at life. This process helps in character building right from an early age. P.S. you need glue, a lot of glue.


Craftiness is happiness. Spend a fun-filled summer with thedatingmaven creative canvas activities. As they say, “Creativity is intelligence, having fun.” Time to hop on to the art express.

Sending love from Be Kind Blogs. Happy reading.

#thedatingmavenCreativeCanvas #BeKindBlogs #BeKind #BeCreative

Reading Time

4 min

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